Saturday, September 1, 2012

God's Luck

What luck that God is good and on my side,
that He wants me to live with Him in heaven,
that He gives me Himself as guard and guide,
that He, like me, wants all my sins forgiven.

What luck that God is such unselfish love,
that He made me so His love He could share,
that to save me He came down from above,
to suffer and die for me to show His care.

What luck He did not leave me in the lurch,
He left His Holy Spirit to give me grace,
this fallen world He left His holy Church,
Himself, His Holy Bread, my soul’s embrace.

I’m struck what luck God cares so much for me?
Not luck! That’s how He is--and means to be.

                         -- by Pete Voelz       9/1/12

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