Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Perfect House

I want to build a perfect house and home
I can enjoy for, lo, these many years,
a sun porch warm, a foyer with a dome,
a place to show expensive souvenirs.

But since I'm getting old, it will not last,
and nothing I possess I can take with,
why dwell upon the past when past is past,
and merely build a crumbling monolith?

Instead I'll sell more baggage for the poor,
forsaking every fad and fantasy,
to always ask for less instead of more,
and build a house for all eternity.

O God, let me prepare to take for free
the perfect mansion You have made for me.

                      -- by Pete Voelz        6/06

Friday, May 30, 2014

To God with Class

Each day I take Your body into mine,
and worship You, O loving God, at Mass,
each night I post a poem to You on line,
to try and offer You a little class.

In everyone I strive to see Your face
to prove by time and test I like You best,
and frost all my experience with Your grace
to meet by invitation as Your guest.

I yearn to put my arms around Your neck,
to speak the magic words because they’re true,
and face-to-face like angels in low tech,
to whisper in Your ear, “Lord, I love You.”

I know I have but little class to lend,
Lord, just enough to hear You call me friend.

                     by Pete Voelz     5/30/14

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Trading Gifts

I trade my gifts for God's:
my precious life, to start,
I give it back to Him
with all my heart.

The gift of faith is next:
this treasure that God gave me,
returning it to Him, I trust,
will be enough to save me.

The third is God's good grace,
and plenty for my needs
of following His holy will
with gifts of my good deeds.

Of course, God's infinite love,
far stronger than a mother's,
returns to Him whenever I
can share it with my brothers.

I look around and see
the gifts of God's creation;
for it I'll give in stewardship
my work of preservation.

The people God has given me--
my children, friends and wife--
I'll serve with true devotion
the remainder of my life.

God's gifts of health and wealth and work
I'll give all back by using
the best of them on His behalf
in ways of my own choosing.

The talents and the charisms
God gave me at my birth
I offer to His glory
for all that they are worth

God gives His every gift to me
in ways that are so tender;
I have no choice but to return
them all in sweet surrender.

     -- by Pete Voelz       1999

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

God Inscrutable

God is inscrutable, yet He is known,
God is invisible, yet He is seen,
God's not some science thing we make our own,
God's not an either-or, He's in between.

By God's creation, we can know He's there,
by Revelation, God discloses more,
it is enough to know His love and care,
we do not have to figure out His core.

Our eyes of faith work well enough to see
we can know Him and how to serve Him best,
the love we feel for God's no mystery,
we know enough, we don't need all the rest.

O God, I do not have to please my pride,
I love You, and all else I will abide.

                      -- by Pete Voelz       5/08

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Old Prayers

Sometimes I have no words to give to God,
there's nothing in my sorry soul to say,
I may as well be sunk beneath the sod,
ennui so much on me I cannot pray.

A mind so full of worries got me down,
with God so far away, what can I do?
On every forlorn face is fixed a frown,
with every color blending into blue.

I, empty, move to mine my memory,
and there a prayer whose words I know appears,
I say them slow and, lo, they comfort me,
and soon God comes to truck away my fears.

I'm glad, O Lord, there are old prayers I know,
that sparkle as they lift my spirits so.

                                   -- by Pete Voelz     8/09

Monday, May 26, 2014

Spiritual Allergy

A spiritual allergy can take a toll,
it’s such an awkward quagmire that I’m in,
there is a constant battle in my soul,
my allergy to either grace or sin.

Could it be that it’s both that cause my sneeze?
I can’t tell really which one makes me sick,
it’s not a flesh, but soul-eating disease
that makes me want to give them both a kick.

The struggle brings a strange paralysis,
the wishes whose reward I can’t afford,
desires whose allures make me dismiss
my reconciliation with the Lord.

I can’t get rid of it, nor yet embrace
my allergy, O Lord, to sin and grace.

                         by Pete Voelz     5/26/14

Sunday, May 25, 2014

New Strength

To Your new saints, O God, You give new strength,
You raise each up to be Your special friend,
they stormed Your heaven--its depth and height and length,
in ways that we can barely comprehend.

They stalk Your heart, they don’t play at the edges,
how do they land a rank so wonderful?
By prayer and pain they slam the devil’s wedges,
You help them make their canonized miracle.

Pope John the Twenty-Third and Pope John Paul,
they strengthen now Your Church and Papacy,
with mighty deeds they answered to Your call,
good time to call on their new strength for me.

I pray You, Lord, call off all Your restraints,
and show Your strength through these Your strong new saints.

                                        by Pete Voelz     5/24/14

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Bad to Good

All bad gives way to good, for God is good;
from every tragedy there comes a blessing,
because we recognize God's fatherhood,
our sinning brings our humbling and confessing.

We pray "Our Father" for He is Our Lord,
we do believe He rules from heaven above;
all things obey His rule with one accord,
we know Good God rules everything with love.

With all our pain and grief we barely cope,
in His almighty plan we put our trust,
in His mysterious ways we hold out hope,
for we know He is merciful and just.

From all His gifts we sense He is our friend,
from all the bad He'll save us in the end.

                        -- by Pete Voelz       1/04

Friday, May 23, 2014

Pray for Them

Some go to hell, they haven't got a prayer,
for some poor lonely souls--no one to pray,
if no one else has any prayer to spare,
can I still save them by the prayers I say?

At Fatima Mary appeared and said,
they go like leaves that fall down from the trees,
because for them no prayers before they’re dead,
they fall, for no one falling on their knees.

So let me bring my little sacrifice
for all those still who have no requiem,
I'll try to pray a prayer to pay the price
for those who have no one to pray for them.

I pray the brink of my eternity
brings some in turn who’ll pray a prayer for me.

                    -- by Pete Voelz          7/09

Thursday, May 22, 2014

What God Loves

O God, You love me better than my words,
You love me better than the things I do,
You care for me more than a flock of birds,
and You want me to also care for You.

You care less what I do and more for me,
less than out here, You want the me inside,
less than my sins, my soul You sigh to see,
ignoring You is what You least abide.

No matter what, You always take me back,
more than my words or deeds, You want my heart,
Your mercy makes up all for what I lack,
so long as I confess, "How great Thou art."

Your grace, forgiveness given like a river,
when someday I stand up, Lord, and deliver.

                               -- by Pete Voelz        11/07

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

God's Molecules

God makes it all, each star and molecule,
He calls it good and blesses everything,
but there are molecules more minuscule
God greater makes, that more His praises sing.

As atoms bind our body, so our soul
is bound by molecules of truth and love,
with beauty, goodness to our heavenly goal,
and formed to fit to God like hand to glove.

God’s molecules can also come unglued,
our lies corrupt the truth like some disease,
as cancer breaks our cells, our attitude
of sin can break our spiritual cells with ease.

These molecules are bound without a trace
together by God’s gravity of grace.

                      by Pete Voelz      5/18/14

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Obliged by Love

I feel obliged by blood to pray for them,
we choose our friends, God picks each relative,
He puts them in our path, not to condemn,
but pray for them and help them better live.

I feel obliged by love to pray the more
for those who own a portion of my heart,
who I’ve developed strong affection for,
of those whose life and love I am a part.

I feel obliged by wider loves than these
to love my neighbor as God has commanded,
that’s everyone, even my enemies,
for love begun is easily expanded.

By Your command, Lord, love’s an obligation,
though love, once there, is its own motivation.

                              by Pete Voelz     5/20/14

Monday, May 19, 2014

Uncynical God

God’s GMCs can make me cynical,
that they so coincide seems so contrived,
yet God’s an expert with a miracle,
so of His skill, why should we be deprived?

God has the power to manipulate
all things according to His Providence,
a GMC He works--no chance or fate,
only His own God-Made Coincidence.

God is transparent, so He does not hide,
He asks me here to join Him since I’m free
He makes sure we together coincide,
so we two are a living GMC.

Uncynically, You bless and teach me true,
a GMC for me, O Lord, from You.

                     by Pete Voelz     5/19/14

Sunday, May 18, 2014

God's Chair

I said to God, "Hey, just pull up a chair."
He answered me, "But I'm already here."
"Sorry, I did not see You sitting there;
sometimes my eyes just cannot see so clear."

"It's hard to see My image with your eyes,
the chair I use does not reside in space,
My voice is veiled in spiritual disguise,
you need but pray to pierce the world of grace.

Read through the books wherein my Word's revealed,
attend the messages My people share,
observe the secrets all my creatures yield,
open your heart and I'll pull up a chair."

"O God, bring close my heart and soul to You,
for I believe that all You say is true."

                                    -- by Pete Voelz      9/07

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Love Meaning

O God, what does it mean that I love You:
does it not mean we are the best of friends,
that even when I fail I still stay true,
and I work hard to know what this portends?

That I accept Your gift of faith comes first,
and never take Your holy name in vain,
that in Your Revelation I'm well versed,
and offer You my suffering and pain?

That I obey whatever You command,
in public, praise You on Your sacred day,
see You in others, giving them a hand,
and not to harm Your children on my way?

O God, in thanks for all Your love for me,
I pray these ways will show my love for Thee.

                                -- by Pete Voelz     3/07

Friday, May 16, 2014

God In-Between

God’s not too far, nor here is He too near.
it’s more like He’s the God of in-between,
beyond a star so far to stir some fear,
and for our eyes way too far to be seen.

God’s close, inside of us, but not too close,
He gives to us just what He’s wise to give,
to be revealed, but not by sight or touch,
for if we could see God, we’d cease to live.

God must stay far away, but not too far,
He must come close to us, but not too close,
He has to deal with us the way we are,
for faith and freedom need a measured dose.

We’re physical, we want God physical,
yet You know, Lord, You’re closest spiritual.

                           by Pete Voelz     5/16/14

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Smart and Kind

What difference shows between the dumb and smart?
The liberals think they have a keener mind,
conservatives feel they have a kinder heart,
what’s dumber--to be smart or to be kind?

Some say we love the poor, they’re on our side,
some serve the poor, but with humility,
we’ve been to better schools, some say with pride,
though we scorn you, we love humanity.

Some tend themselves, God they tend to ignore,
the unborn children they leave to their fate,
but others put God first, and then the poor,*
on human life and souls they concentrate.

Mother Theresa and the great John Paul,
kind humble saints--and smartest of us all.

* Some are surprised to hear that Mother Theresa,
though she devoted her order to “the poorest of the
poor,” taught her sisters that their primary role
was to worship Christ in the Eucharist for souls.

                                   by Pete Voelz     5/15/14

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Only One Thing

Why cut me off from such a source of grace?
Look, Self, I know there’s lots you want to do,
but comes a time we must cut to the chase,
I will choose God instead of worldly you.

Like Martha, you're so busy with your things,
but only one thing matters to His heart,
to which I hope my heart forever clings,
may He help me to choose the better part.

The world  includes a tendency to sin,
but don’t forget, O Self, I still am free,
and we all know for sure God’s going to win,
now is the time to choose Him Who loves me.

O God, I am the apple of Your eye,
let me receive Your grace before I die.

by Pete Voelz     5/13/14

Monday, May 12, 2014


You are, O Christ, the anchor of my heart,
You calm my sea below, my sky above,
Your life and Word and Spirit set my chart,
my dreams and faith and deeds, forged by Your love.

Upon an anchor rock You built Your Church,
You rule from heaven, Your vicar rules on earth,
it’s there, always the same, wherever I search,
to anchor and provide my spiritual worth.

I am an anchor for my fellowman,
I feed the hungry one mouth at a time,*
I lend the lost and least a spiritual plan,
I am a moving anchor for the climb.

More than a moor, You anchor me with care,
Your plentitude of grace for but a prayer.

* How Bl. Mother Theresa said we feed the hungry.

                      by Pete Voelz     5/12/14

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Faith, Love and Hope

You let me lie in love for my belief,
for faith beneath Your shining love I bask,
forever love for loving faith so brief,
so large a love for faith I only ask.

My faith allows a love I have not known,
Your love enlarges love I have for all,
love only grows a lot when faith has grown,
love more will live as You forgive my fall.

I used to have a litte hope for heaven,
but faith and hope together stronger grow,
for gift of faith means hope is also given,
my hope is high to heaven I will go.

No longer needed, faith and hope will end,
when, Lord, I'm Your forever-loving friend.

                          -- by Pete Voelz      9/10

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Cosmic God

O God, what is Your cosmic plan for me?
How do I fit into Your masterpiece?
Where is my place in Your eternity?
How can I Your infinity increase?

You put me in this transitory home,
these few abodes my memory holds dear;
You gave me less than a century to roam,
and love the ones who happen to be here.

This body's all I have to draw my fate--
a mind, a will, some creativity--
some friends, some assets, children and a mate,
that's all--Your plans, my things and puny me.

Lord, You’re my God to love or dissipate--
my one small chance to share Your destiny.

-- by Pete Voelz    

Friday, May 9, 2014

Honest to God

How much, O God, our friendship must be true,
that our relationship be on the level,
and I be always honest here with You,
not listening to that Father of Lies, the devil.

Straight from the shoulder, Lord, I need to trust--
to trust myself, the soul You made so free,
not my dark side of sin and pride and lust,
instead the realm of light You lit in me.

And most of all, to trust You as best friend,
to look You eye-to-eye square in the face,
to stick with You, persisting to the end,
relying on and open to Your grace.

Let me, Lord, strip away all worldly care,
and trust that You for me are always there.

                 by Pete Voelz     5/9/14

Thursday, May 8, 2014

May Mother

O Mother Mary in your month of May,
who prays for us and tries to keep us good,
may I ask you this month of Mother’s Day,
who would pass up the chance at motherhood?

Madonna-Child, most rendered work of art,*
a portrait of the strongest human bond,
we consecrate to your Immaculate Heart**
our world, ourselves, of whom you are so fond.

Mother of God, both earth and heaven’s Queen,
you bore God’s Son as spouse of God above,
with visions and miracles you intervene
to save your children with maternal love.

O Dearest Mother Mary, Mother mine,
lead me, as always, to your Son divine.

* Art historians say Madonna and Child is
the most rendered and popular image in art.

** In response to Our Lady of Fatima’s request to
convert Russia and the world from communism,
Pope John Paul II consecrated the world to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1984, several years
before communism died in the Soviet Union.

                          by Pete Voelz     5/5/14

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

God Fog

God's like a fog that waits for me to fall
down on my knees and open up my heart
that, with sincere concern to hear His call,
lets Him come stealing in to work His art.

God's like the sun that burns aside the mist
of worldly visuals and their fawning noise
that we attract when blithely we resist
His bright and warm ubiquity of joys.

God's like a world that will not go away,
distracting us from cozy worlds we own,
a wondrous beacon for a future day,
whose gentle nagging won't leave us alone.

O God of foggy world and searing sun,
warm well my will and world until they're won.

                         -- by Pete Voelz       1/10

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Priority God

O God, I often feel mixed up, confused,
what goes so wrong when things don't turn out right?
Some laugh at me but I am not amused,
when I'm provoked, sometimes I want to fight.

I take a risk, I do want to be brave,
but when I lose, I see the flaws in me,
so many there I see I want to save,
slapped down, I'm forced to face reality.

O God, when I am lost, thank God, You're there,
if my priority is You, I win,
I turn to You for answers to my prayer,
once more Your mercy's stronger than my sin.

Us two, O Lord, let nothing come between,
You love me and I love You sight unseen.

                                            -- by Pete Voelz     7/09

Monday, May 5, 2014

Like to Love

We tend to come to love the ones we like,
like ones who have an open humble mind,
who work and do not wait for fate to strike,
who try hard to “be kind, be kind, be kind.”*

We like to be around a happy heart,
we’re glad to share their gladness when we fall,
we saw Blest Mother Theresa’s joy was smart,**
and Catholic nuns the happiest ones of all.***

Who can resist a brave and gentle soul,
that shows it cares by being sweetly active,
and draws us free, not trying to control,
with virtues that made Jesus so attractive?

Of course, it helps to be loved, Lord, like You
if one could work a miracle or two.

* Henry James’s advice to his nephew seeking his
fortune when asked for what was most important.

** Named by half of Americans in a 2000 poll
the most important person of the 20th century.

*** Discovered to be the happiest profession
of all in a U.S. survey two decades ago.

                     by Pete Voelz     4/30/14

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Heaven Faith

“A little faith will bring your soul to heaven,
a lot of faith brings heaven to your soul.”*
St. Therese of Avila said it is heaven
here in this life just going to that goal.

The Patriarchs and Prophets had great faith,
and Noah, Joseph, Moses, David too,
the blessed martyrs, faithful unto death,
with heaven in their hearts to heaven flew.

St. Peter walked on water, then he cried,
for he had faith Christ would forgive his sin,
but Thomas’s small faith could not abide,
‘til Christ’s wounds he could put his fingers in.

Yet Jesus said though His wounds we don’t see,
if we believe, then blest with heaven are we.

* Quote from Stephen Thabah, Shillong, India.

                              by Pete Voelz     5/4/14

Saturday, May 3, 2014

God Trickster

O God, how You have tricked me many ways,
like a magician with Your bag of tricks,
Your audience You manage to amaze,
I wonder--is this how You get Your kicks?

Taught that my family, church and school were good,
I knew not how good ‘til them I embraced,
You tricked me then, and more when, understood
grown up and with them, I was fully graced.

You urge me to help others in their need,
but hide the joy of helping ‘til it’s there,
You plant a friend just like a mustard seed.
that blooms into a joy that is so rare.

Maybe they’re real, O Perfect Justice Lord,
and not a trick, but just a just reward.

            by Pete Voelz     4/28/14

Friday, May 2, 2014

Rome 'n Home

Almost a million pilgrims flocked to Rome,
a city full of faith and much new paint,
I, like a billion Catholics, stayed at home,
and chatted with a canonized new saint.

Popes John Paul Two and John the Twenty-Third,
so worthily praised and prayed to over there,
with throngs, high Masses, liturgy and Word,
we folks praised here with common Mass and prayer.

By TV, Internet we joined their praying,
we didn’t miss the hoopla that we missed,
Great God came here to us where we were staying,
we ate His Body in the Eucharist.

Bless those, O Lord, who swelled Your flock in Rome,
as now beatified, they straggle home.

                                    by Pete Voelz     5/2/14

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sunshine Love

The love of God glows like the sunlight shines,
it fills the world in every nook and cranny,
each shadow fades and to its bed resigns,
the dying of the dark is so uncanny.

Sin falls to light as soon as it’s forgiven,
rage and its hate collapse before God’s love,
hell disappears from sight once we’re in heaven,
dark here below must bow to light above.

The Lord’s own light of love enfolds us all,
surrounds the world and penetrates our souls,
no one should fear to hear God’s loving call,
we need not ask for whom His love-bell tolls.

God’s light, though silent and invisible,
envelopes me, His humblest miracle.

                   by Pete Voelz      4/30/14