Friday, June 10, 2011

More Spirit

I know myself. I am more spirit than man,
my fully human self is mostly soul,
my will's not what I do, but what I can,
my mind's not just to think, but to control.
My spirit's free in ways my body's not,
my will is free to forge my destiny,
my mind is free to soar and see, or rot,
together free, they are the soul of me.
My body dies, my spirit lives on and on,
I know by eyes of faith not just by science,
my soul suggests saints are the best icon.
As Einstein said, "I stand on the shoulders of giants."
Lord, it's my soul by which I am and do,
and I decide if I joyride with You.

                    -- by Pete Voelz, for Pentecost, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Inspired by the paleontologist theologian priest Teilhard de Chardin, who wrote, "We are not human beings with a spiritual side, we are spiritual beings with a human side."
