Monday, March 31, 2014

Each and All

God cares about each little soul like me,
and I'm responsible for my own soul,
God cares a lot about society,
for each of us and also for the whole.

We are to love each person that we meet,
and also each community we're part of,
without our aid, God's work is incomplete
in saving souls and groups that He's the heart of.

Those people and those groups help save us too,
responsible for us as we for them,
we're all interdependent like a crew,
our good they praise, our evil they condemn.

O God, Who loves us each and socially,
may we love You through others who we see.

                            -- by Pete Voelz       1/05

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Vested Love

No thing has worth except what we invest,
apart from us--our value is innate.
Why do we honor shiny gold the best?
We see its beauty and then call it great.

From where does our inherent value come?
God made us, loves us, lends us dignity,
He took His life divine and gave us some,
His love invested for eternity.

God is the source of all the truth there is,
He does Creation and then calls it good,
we too can use the standards that are His,
if only they are truly understood.

O God, Youve vested so much love in me,
help me to freely vest my love in Thee.

                     -- by Pete Voelz        4/06

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Resisting God

It baffles Me how you can still resist,
I gave you life--I’m irresistable,
you let the devil and his lies persist,
open your heart, I’ll do a miracle.

My loving Son, how come some still resist?
His cross, His death, some say they cannot follow,
His love and joy the tempting world’s dismissed,
But I give grace so He’s not hard to swallow.

This Church of Mine--so many still resist,
this Church that is the body of My Son,
they can’t accept He is the Eucharist,
Like Spirit and I, My Church and Son are One.

It’s true you’re free to choose to do resistance,
but you’ll win heaven if you go the distance.

                                by Pete Voelz      1/4/14

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Heart

Give me the heart, O God, the chips will fall,
Your strength of heart that makes me choose the will
to say I will, Lord, when I hear Your call,
to help Your chips despite my lack of skill.

Your heart of courage, Lord, Thy will be done,
to go on fighting and not quit or quail,
to even fight myself until we’ve won,
and bravely face the fact I often fail.

Your heart of love, O Lord, that is the glue
that holds it all together though I cry,
and not to fear to teach with love the true,
that winning is not all but that we try.

Lend me the courage, Lord, the will, the heart
to love You now enough--at least to start.

                             by Pete Voelz     3/9/14

Thursday, March 27, 2014

God Involved

I feel this prod to get involved with God,
Who certainly’s involved Himself with me,
Whose deep and lasting love is no facade,
Who fashioned me so personally for free.

God thought me up and made me out of dust,
He pumps my heart, produces every breath,
in me He puts His faith and hope and trust,
and has prepared my heaven after death.

But there’s a limit how much, Lord, You’re involved,
for my free will You let me fill some space,
for each mystery You let me see resolved,
another I must just let lie with grace.

I s’pose I should get more involved with You,
when You’re so good and beautiful and true.

                                by Pete Voelz     3/27/14

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Relationship with God

O God, what’s my relationship with You?
You made me, so obedience I owe,
I am Your child, You are a Father true,
about You and Your works I first should know.

You, Lord, command I worship You, no other,
You call me friend, and so we talk in prayer,
O Christ, as Son of God, You are my Brother,
Your cross of love for me shows how to care.

O Spirit God, we play a spiritual role,
relating in Your Church community,
we serve the poor, You live in every soul,
to serve is love joined with humility.

Lord, we relate more than just personally,
we know and love and serve You socially.

                      by Pete Voelz     3/26/14

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Smile

So do you ever wonder if a smile,
observing someone’s countenance, is real,
with lips turned up and teeth exposed a while,
do these reflect just how they really feel?

Or can you tell more looking at the eyes,
those eyes that are the mirror of the soul,
all crinkled up as if to show surprise,
that smile is true, not just to play some role?

Yet more than these, a smile lights up the face,
a face expressing feelings deep inside,
a smiling face that’s full of joy and grace,
revealing more ourselves than we can hide.

How can you tell that smile’s real for you?
If mouth and eyes and face all smile true.

                     by Pete Voelz     3/25/14

Monday, March 24, 2014

Love Enough

So everywhere I go I hear the same,
“I do not love, I do not love enough,”
and everyone I know asks, “Who’s to blame?”
To face myself for real is very tough.

We are so weak, to love we must be strong,
just take one thing--we’re glued to gluttony,
while others need us--and we don’t have long,
it is for them I must develop me.

God loves enough, so I should love Him best,
Christ--other-focused--showed me how to care,
here in the cross is where I should invest,
but after me, what love have I to spare?

To them I have enough of love to give,
You made me, Lord, now help me how to live.

                        by Pete Voelz     3/24/14

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Help to Heaven

I really cannot get there on my own,
I pray You, Lord, to save me from such pride,
the toughest journey can’t be walked alone,
I need some help and someone at my side.

I show I want You with me by my prayer,
Your cloud of witnesses is always near,
thank God my friends and family help me care,
Your Church and Sacraments allay my fear.

My mind You lend to see Your world of beauty,
my heart to will responsibility,
the poor You send to help me do my duty,
my soul to kill the selfish will in me.

O Jesus, Mary, help me, take my hand,
and journey with me now toward heavenland.

                                     by Pete Voelz     3/23/14

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spendless Love

Love, grace and God, the more you have, you get,
the more you spend, the more you have to spend,
the more you love, the more love's in your debt,
that's why God's love is given without end.

God's graceful love's the center of His power,
His loving power comes to us all as grace,
His grace allows each one of us to flower,
to make our love a mirror of His face.

The more we love with grace we are like God,
already with His image on our soul,
and as His children, we will not be odd,
for all His love and grace will make us whole.

O God, let me your love and grace outpour,
so I can share them more forevermore.

by Pete Voelz

Friday, March 21, 2014

Keeping Faith

How can I keep my faith when I’m so bad?
One reason--the alternatives are few,
my happy faith keeps me from being sad,
not sure I want: “to thine own self be true.”

To soak myself in me seems so much pride,
especially when my own faith seems so weak,
and I feel so dissatisfied inside,
can I find stronger faith if I but seek?

Along with faith, I seek to understand,
like Socrates--seek truth so I can know,
sometimes it’s hard to settle on a brand,
a busy guy, I’m always on the go.

I start out with the strong faith of my youth,
and pray You, Lord, lead me to faith and truth.

                    by Pete Voelz     3/15/14

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Gratitude to God

I have to say I do feel gratitude
to You, O God, for all You’ve done for me,
I cannot stand the modern attitude--
Yeah, thanks, God, but what have You done lately?

You made me and You give me life and love,
You died for me, too much there is to list,
if I am good, You give me heaven above,
You give Yourself to me in Eucharist.

Like anyone, I do have my complaints,
that list is petty next to all my sins,
I best look to the gratitude of the saints,
the humblest, meekest, thankfulest of them wins.

The experts say--teach gratitude to your sons,
since grateful children are the happiest ones.

                       by Pete Voelz     2/28/14

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

St. Joseph Patron

With child by God, the angel in a dream
told you about the Mary you would marry,
the Mother of the Son come to redeem,
a life for you at once profound and scary.

Still young and virile, carpenter by trade,
Christ’s foster dad, Patron of Purity,
protector of the ever-virgin maid,
you are called Patron Saint of Family.

Fulfilling prophecies of David’s line
and Bethlehem, in Christ’s young life immersed,
the Universal Church’s Patron fine,
you're named the Workers' Patron on May first.

O Joseph, Patron of a Happy Death,
please bring God’s Spouse and Son to my last breath.

                                by Pete Voelz      3/19/14

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

With Great Power

What can God do with Hawking and Bill Gates?
God signals Steve that He is in control,
the world was not made by some fantasy fates,
they too must fight with Satan for their soul.

Though each may have a very famous name,
they too must struggle with their fragile health,
they too must forge their faith despite their fame,
like us, God calls them to use well their wealth.

With power comes great responsibility,
like Socrates, so much they do not know,*
both see God’s beauty here and mystery,
to Him and us there is so much they owe.

With math and cash, they glory in their smarts,
but God just wants humility in their hearts.

* The reason the Oracle of Delphi told Socrates
he was the smartest man in Greece.

                        by Pete Voelz     3/18/14

Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Voices

When Patrick was in Britain just a boy,
and little cared if he his soul would save,
some Irish slavers stole his worldly joy,
and took him off to Ireland as a slave.

Six years of prayer and suffering he endured,
when voices in a dream helped him escape,
but later made a bishop, he was lured
by voices to help Ireland’s spiritual shape.

Not snakes, but pagan slavery he drives out,
and spreads the Catholic faith at God’s commands,
the Church grows strong, the Irish so devout,
they send thousands of priests to other lands.

O Patrick, you had many other choices,
but you chose to obey God’s chosen voices.

                           by  Pete Voelz     3/17/14

Sunday, March 16, 2014

No Fool

I don’t believe that God is fooling me,
He would not make the universe and hide,
I do experience His spirituality,
I see His works and sense Him deep inside.

God is no fool, nor did He make me one,
God’s love is strong, that’s why He made us all,
He does not lie, His truth shines through His Son,
His love and truth are clear, I hear them call.

God puts His trust in me--that I’ll respond,
my love shown in obedience to His law,
of such a friend, I can’t help but be fond,
so great a God, I can’t but hold in awe.

His love, His heaven, I know they are no lie,
what God has given I take, no fool am I.

                       by Pete Voelz     3/16/14

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Good Love

What does it say of God that He is love?
Why does the world ignore the miracle?
We do not need to search the skies above,
the natural is the supernatural.

Spring is a sign of God’s undying care,
why not embrace the life that is His will?
No matter how much winter chill is there,
the good that God brings out is greater still.

Why not cooperate with mystery?
Two billion Christians share the joy of grace,
and have the hope that what will be will be--
the wonder way that wins through time and space.

‘Tis better to believe, Lord, and abide,
for love and life and grace are on Your side.

                            by Pete Voelz     3/9/14

Friday, March 14, 2014

God Inexhaustible

My skill is small, my language limited,
Almighty God, You are all powerful,
exhausted me, I have to rest my head,
You never tire, God inexhaustible.

My life is short, my years are shorter still,
Eternal God, Your time is endless yet,
I’ve little time or space to work my will,
while everything with You is infinite.

For helpless me, Your help I can’t exhaust,
I will receive it if I simply pray,
a bit of faith and hope--all is not lost,
if I but say, You’ll turn my way today.

God inexhaustible, perfect and true,
exhausted, I can always count on You.

                 by Pete Voelz     3/14/14

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Love Is

Love that is patient leads to self-control,*
love sensitive to others’ needs is kind,
love that’s not jealous shows a generous soul,
love that’s not boastful shows a humble mind.

With sweet humility, love is not proud,
love honors others, itself it does not seek,
no list of wrongs, slow-angered love’s not loud,
no evil joy, just what the truth will speak.

Love always will protect, will always trust,
love always hopes, so love will never fail,
like virtues faith and hope, love is a must,
love’s always free, it cannot be for sale.

Faith, hope and greatest love remain--these three,
all things will pass, but love will ever be.

* 1 Cor. 13:1-8, 13

                       by Pete Voelz      2/2/14

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Desire to Be Good

Whence comes the sweet desire to be good,
we could say it just comes from God to start,
the product of His grace it’s understood,
part of our nature, written on our heart.

We see the good admired here below,
we’re taught good is rewarded up above,
that evil’s punished here and there we know,
that there’s no better good to do than love.

From lives of saints and Christ, what good we learn,
the good that others do for us we feel,
in fiction, good is valued we discern,
that we cheer good to win is all too real.

You called Creation good, and, Lord, it’s true,
You are all good so all good comes from You.

                            by Pete Voelz     3/12/14

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

God's Dare

If each commandment is a kind of dare,
not what we shouldn’t do, but what we should,
commanding us to love, to help, to care,
then they show how God dares us to be good.

The first three tell the ways God should be treated,
He’s God alone, respect His Name and day,
then neighbor loved, the enemy defeated,
not hurt, but help all we meet on our way.

With power to disobey, He made us free,
our freedom lets us choose to love or sin,
and by our deeds to do our destiny,
we must have faith our works will heaven win.

O Lord, my life and world are really Yours,
let me choose love so long Your dare endures.

                       by Pete Voelz     3/11/14

Monday, March 10, 2014

Fun God

If fun is joy and love and happiness,
then heaven is the greatest fun of all,
if fun’s excitement, pleasure and success,
then God’s the answer to fun’s siren call.

Fun is not entertainment--that’s too passive,
we put ourselves in fun--it must be active,
God’s store of fun--in heaven and here--is massive,
for God is love--what makes Him so attractive.

St. Theresa said just going to heaven is heaven,*
--why nuns were found to be the happiest,**
such joy in having all our sins forgiven,
and loving God and knowing we are blest.

The fun in doing bad is transitory,
true fun’s to help someone for greater glory.

* St. Theresa of Avila
** A survey showed nuns to be the happiest
of all professions--about 90% of them.

                         by Pete Voelz     3/10/14

Sunday, March 9, 2014

All Pass

All things will pass, eternity lives on,
my beauty and my suffering will pass,
my hands and feet, the cold and heat--all gone,
the rich and poor together ‘neath the grass.

For young and old alike, all life is short,
farewell to friend and foe, so don’t be scared,
this life that seems so long God will abort,
I will rest well if I am well prepared.

The flowers and the fighting--all will go,
the power and the glory--all will die,
the cash, the bank and all the stuff we stow,
the good, the bad will move on so don’t cry.

But I won’t leave You, Lord--that I can do,
for now, like then, better to live with You.

                        by Pete Voelz     3/8/14

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Lent Time

Ash Wednesday comes and it is Lent again,
‘tis time to put my shoulder to the wheel,
I fear in faith I’m forced to face my sin,
make no mistake, I’m willing, for it’s real.

I just hate pain, it cuts me like a knife,
but now it’s Lent and time to pay the price,
Christ agonized He had to pay His life,
and yet He willed to make the sacrifice.

The ashes leave no ambiguity,
my body, come from dust, ends up as dust,
it suffers, so from sin my soul’s set free,
like Christ, time to endure it as I must.

Like Christ, I offer, Lord, this time for You,
then time for Easter Resurrection too.

                    by Pete Voelz     3/5/14

Friday, March 7, 2014

God at Length

Let me, O Christ, not hold You at arms length,
when You’ve done everything to be near me,
it’s true I have the faith, the means, the strength
to bring myself near You as close can be.

To keep Your gifts to me fresh in my mind,
to share them with those I meet is my part,
to see with eyes of faith and not be blind,
to try to love You, Lord, with all my heart.

To save upon my lips Your holy name,
to put temptations under my control,
to see You in the sick, the poor, the lame,
to mind You in the conscience of my soul.

For when You serve Your Eucharistic feast,
You hold me in Your arms, to say the least.

                       by Pete Voelz     3/7/14

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Stay in Touch

Why did God make me if He didn't care?
How could He love me if He faced away?
And being God, a Being everywhere,
He cannot help but to so near me stay.

And if God's near, He's kind of in my face,
He wants to help, yet still let me be free,
He wants me close, yet still respects my space,
He knows our closeness is what's best for me.

Though very near, He still seems way too far,
it takes a lot of love to bridge the gap;
not much He asks, then treats me like a star,
unworthy me to loose His sandal strap.

O Great Creator, Who loves me so much,
let me love back, at least to stay in touch.

                                     by Pete Voelz

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Nothing Else

I set my cares aside and think of God
and just how much He sits above the fray;
why He did bother to make me seems odd,
why doesn't He come down to me and say?

Yet if I try to keep an open mind,
all of creation shouts God is a given,
proof of His love is not so hard to find,
like He has often promised me His heaven.

What God asks me seems hard and yet so good,
to focus less on me and more on Him;
to skip the fun of sin--I know I should,
to act in serious ways, not out of whim.

O God, it's difficult to follow You,
yet truly I don't know what else to do.

                            -- by Pete Voelz          12/06

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

God Balk

I balk at You, O God, why do I balk?
You make demands, I balk at Your demands,
You want to talk, but I don’t want to talk,
You take hard stands, I do not like hard stands.

You talk of love, but Your love’s tough to do,
You know my sins, so why must I confess?
So where would I end up rejecting You?
Alone and wandering in the wilderness.

Don’t like You? No, I still want You around,
I know I need You when things go awry,
and all You do for me--Your gifts abound,
I need You near, especially when I die.

Lord, when You call, why do I drag my feet,
since when I die, it’s you I’ll run to meet?

                        by Pete Voelz       1/19/14

Monday, March 3, 2014

Helpful Hope

I’m helpless here before the face of death,
like when I was inside my mother’s womb,
before my first and after my last breath,
my facts and feelings silent as the tomb.

Where was I then, and then where will I be,
when did I come, and when will I be due?
I nothing know like them and they, like me,
no signs of hope except, O God, from You.

You made my reason to discern the scope,
You send me family, friends to quell the tears,
You give me Word and Church to give me hope,
You stoke my faith to know beyond the years.

O Lord, You let me share Your love and grace,
before, beyond, I choose to see Your face.

                            by Pete Voelz     3/3/14

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Really There

How much do I believe You're really there,
Christ in Your priest, Your worshippers, Your word?
Why are You here more than You're everywhere?
Your presence in these and the host seems blurred.

You said of bread, "This is My body," true,
You also said of wine, "This is My blood."
Do just intent and words make something You?
What could propel You into such a flood?

For God, You said, nothing's impossible,
all earthly things can change by power above,
You needn’t blink to make a miracle,
You only lend a little of Your love.

Your Eucharist shows just how much You care,
so I choose to believe You're really there.

                 -- by Pete Voelz     8/10