Thursday, July 31, 2014
Freedom Space
How little room You’ve left me to be free,
Your Providence rules all from sun to sun,
yet, Lord, I’m free to choose my destiny,
my freedom’s everything when all is done.
Left to myself, what else is there I’d do?
Without Your help, I’d end up more in sin,
I’m better off depending more on You,
I’m best with these parameters I’m in.
Why am I freest, Lord, within Your law?
Your truth shall set me free and give me space,
‘tis wise to hold Your truth and love in awe,
for from them flow my freedom and Your grace.
You know best, Master, what is best for me,
Lord of my soul and my eternity.
by Pete Voelz 7/31/14
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Who Are You?
Who are You, God, that You should think of me?
Who am I, God, that I’m so loved by You?
You started this when you called me to be,
and when You beckoned me to love You too.
Your Church has taught me that You I should know,
that’s why You made it--to convert my heart,
it taught me more, so that my faith would grow,
now You expect me here to do my part.
Only great love could call me into being,
I must respond to Your great love’s allure,
help me give up my sinning and my fleeing,
so my love’s pure, though little and so poor.
For how much I can take You give Your all,
and I’ll love You more even than Your call.
by Pete Voelz 7/30/14
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
God On a Roll
What is there, God, about You some resist,
when I want the whole world to praise Your name?
What's in Your name that it's cursed and dismissed,
that somehow some consider You're to blame?
You're quiet, Lord, but You get in our way,
one thought tells me You made me--I am here,
another tells me soon there's Judgment Day,
these warrant You much more than just a sneer.
To praise You or disdain You we are free,
though You're compelling, You do not use force,
I can't deny Your wondrous love for me,
I pray You set my sail and steer my course.
O God, You are a magnet for my soul,
bring me to You while You're still on a roll.
-- by Pete Voelz 4/09
Monday, July 28, 2014
Pure Intimacy
With God and with my child I want to show
my pure true self in its pure intimacy,
and so to each I talk slowly and low,
so personally near we feel, just you and me.
At the same level, we share the same space,
we have our secret pact, we two alone,
on hands and knees, we meet up face-to-face,
we pray and play a game that is our own.
In symmetry and in harmony we achieve
a joy that’s slow to anger and correction,
from faith linked to each other we receive
a trust that gives security and protection.
With You, Lord, and my child in serious fun,
we happy two so close we’re almost one.
by Pete Voelz 4/28/14
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Unhidden Love
God is not hidden in the universe,
“The skies proclaim the workings of His hands,”*
He blinks, the stars at speed of light disperse,
and who can guess where any of them land?
His goodness He declared of His Creation,
His truth was etched in laws that sketched His face,
His beauty shows in flowers like His carnations,
His love explodes across the human race.
Oh world, heed more the lilies of the field,**
not just with mind, see God with soul and heart,
His goodness, truth and beauty aren’t concealed,
when we see God, we choose the better part.***
Distracted world, stay focused on God above,
His heaven, His word, His most unhidden love.
* Psalm 19:1
** “Consider the lilies of the field, they neither sew nor spin,
yet Solomon in all his glory was never arrayed as one of
these.”--JC in His Sermon on the Mount, Mt. 6:28-29
*** “Martha, Martha, you are worried about many things,
but only one thing matters, and Mary has chosen the better
part, and it will not be taken from her.” -- JC, Luke 10:42
by Pete Voelz 7/25/14
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Marla's Beauty
Though you have gone, your beauty will live on
renowned around the world for many years,
soon though our eyes may waken dry at dawn,
still others will see you with newer tears.
At twenty eight you looked almost a kid,
almost as pretty as a Princess Grace,
but that rare beauty rich in what you did
will linger longer than a lovely face.
Your youth spent raising funds with politicians,
the kinds of things your peers would find a bore,
sent you at last abroad on risky missions
to roadside bombs in a most dangerous war.
The rescued children who defined your duty
for all time, Marla, will divine your beauty.
-- by Pete Voelz 4/05
(Dedicated to Marla Ruzicka, 28, of Lakeport, Calif.,
who was killed in Iraq on April 16, 2005 by a suicide
bomber while helping children wounded in the war)
Friday, July 25, 2014
Rich in Hope
I think I am presumptuous of the Lord,
more on the whole than worried much about
if He and I are really in accord
or whether our relationship's in doubt.
Such does not come from cool analysis
of all my sins or my true spiritual state,
nor from my good deeds God could quick dismiss,
nor somehow fantisizing I'm so great.
No, most the reason for my fearless trust
is due to all that God has done for me,
already He's dumped on this speck of dust
sufficient love to last eternity.
If God invests so much in one poor dope,
can't spoiled I indulge in my rich hope?
-- by Pete Voelz 5/04
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Nothing Wrong With Love
With everyone, you know there’s something wrong,
so, son, there’s something wrong with every girl,
yet you’ll think nothing’s wrong when love is strong,
as you’ll find out when love gives you a whirl.
You’re trepidatious every time you meet
someone who seems forever could be true,
then you discover she’s not always sweet,
as she discovers much the same for you.
Love is the balm for wrong, as you will see,
true love, that only comes from God above,
can take away the wrongs of you and me,
and so will show there’s nothing wrong with love.
It matters not how many times we fall,
it is Your love, O Lord, that conquers all.
by Pete Voelz 7/24/14
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
The Friend I Know
I know Christ is my brother and my friend,
I know He is my savior and my strength,
and yet there's no together day we spend,
not seeing Him, it seems we're at arms length.
And yet I see Him in His Eucharist,
each day I can receive Him in my heart,
His blood and body by my lips are kissed,
in many ways, we never are apart.
I know by faith that He is always near,
I know by faith He's with me when I pray,
I know by faith He dries my every tear,
If I keep faith, with me He'll always stay.
So just because my Friend I cannot see,
still by my faith I know he's friends with me.
by Pete Voelz
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Prayer's Power
The power of prayer comes from both God and me,
God gives to little me what power I use,
God shows His power in His humility,
God Father makes me an offer I can't refuse.
Each prayer I pray calls forth a power I'm sent,
I pray for others and show my power to love,
for my own sins, my power to repent,
for every prayer, my faith in God above.
I have these powers because God made me free,
my humble God rewards the power I choose,
but like great God, I too must humble be,
with shared humility, I cannot lose.
In our shared prayer, what gifts God on me showers,
as free and faithful I use my prayer powers.
-- by Pete Voelz 3/05
Monday, July 21, 2014
Why Make Me?
Who made me? First the catechism asked,
God made me, was the answer we were given;
Why did God make me? It continued fast,
to know Him, love Him, serve Him, so gain heaven.
But that reverts the answer to His goal,
and leaves aside His motive for the deed
of caring to create my self and soul
and then to give me everything I need.
What had I done for Him, what would I do
to help His Kingdom come to heaven and earth?
Since He already knew me through and through,
why did He make one of so little worth?
O God of love, You didn't need a shove,
Your infinite love led You to share Your love.
-- by Pete Voelz 12/05
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Happy God
God is so happy when I take His side,
He counts on me to really be His own;
He wants me here and not to run and hide,
He never wants to see me all alone.
When I say, "God I love You," God is glad,
when I repent my sins, He's overjoyed;
He always comes to save me when I'm bad,
He wants me good and healthy, not destroyed.
I pray to God, and He is full of joy,
and when I sin, He welcomes me right back,
when my ship's lost, God shouts to me, "Ahoy!"
He makes up for whatever I may lack.
If God's so for me, how then can I lose?
it all depends on what I choose to choose.
-- by Pete Voelz 11/04
Friday, July 18, 2014
My Favorite God
My favorite God’s the God of way out there,
of Big Bang symmetry, black holes, and chaos,
of light and fire, of water, clay and air,
of dark and day, of dawn and Buenos Dias.
And yet my favorite’s Him Who shapes my soul,
Who makes my will and mind so strong and smart,
Who drags me sinful to my sinless goal,
and sinks His loving soul deep in my heart.
Yet more my favorite God rescues a child,
so lone and lame he cannot run and play,
that’s often cried forlorn and seldom smiled,
Who’ll take him in His arms that joyful day.
The chaos, soul, and child, O Lord, is me,
and You, my favorite God, are mystery.
by Pete Voelz 7/18/14
Thursday, July 17, 2014
What Matters
Since God is really bigger than all things,
then nothing so much matters as what's due Him,
as we grasp all we can to live like kings,
we should instead be giving our love to Him.
We spend a lot of time on human love,
and on our comforts and the fun of living,
while more important is what's from above,
so we should focus more on what we're giving.
Of what worth are all these technologies
and all our passion to go ever faster,
if we don't ponder God's great mysteries
that take us in the end from our disaster?
O God, lead me away from what's untrue,
and help me concentrate only on You.
-- by Pete Voelz 6/06
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Best Miracles
Christ’s miracles proved the truth of what He said,
they showed He was divine and He could care,
yet physical miracles die when we are dead,
they last a time, then they’re no longer there.
How greater is a spiritual miracle,
when some get grace they didn’t have before,
to put Christ in your heart is wonderful,
a miracle that will last forevermore.
And yet there are much greater miracles still--
Creation, nature that obey God’s law,
God’s love for us from His own loving will,
the miracle of ourselves leave us in awe.
O God of love, while all of this is true,
to me the greatest miracle is You.
by Pete Voelz 7/16/14
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
No Complaints
I've oft complained as problems round me swirled,
and getting mad, I've wanted to get even,
a broken man inside a broken world,
I know I'm supposed to leave it up to heaven.
With all my troubles still the Scriptures say
I really should not kick against the goad;
a fallen soul, for many needs I pray,
this fallen world gives me a heavy load.
But Mary's answer Scripture does record,
and down through all the ages will be heard:
she said, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord,
be done to me according to thy word."
So though I know my problems weigh a ton,
them I accept and say, "Thy will be done."
-- by Pete Voelz 1/04
Monday, July 14, 2014
My Puny Prayer
I offer You, O Lord, my puny prayer,
it pauses slightly, starts to disappear,
then somersaults up a celestial stair,
dragged down somehow by all my sins and fear.
My prayer once said so far away has gone,
I only know by faith it still is flying,
I trust God does not greet it with a yawn,
that weak and lonely somewhere it's not dying.
Christ takes my puny prayer at my request,
suffuses it with all His powerful grace,
my now all-potent prayer is set to rest
with infinite power before God's loving face.
God hears my prayer, He even saw it coming,
and so His answer sets me to a-humming.
-- by Pete Voelz 3/04
Saturday, July 12, 2014
In Charge
God made the mountains wonderful to see,
and He pronounced them "very good" at birth,
but He did not put rocks in charge of me,
for God put me in charge of all the earth.
A little less than angels God made man,
then destined us for Him eternally,
God gave the flowers more beauty in His plan,
but He did not put flowers over me.
Some worship earth and rocks and flowers more
than God, Who made us and then set us free
to nature, wealth, and worldly things adore,
but God does not love those things more than me.
Lord, I’ll take care of all of Your creation,
but I will not forget my destination.
by Pete Voelz
Friday, July 11, 2014
Stuck on God
Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in a rut,
part selfishness, part boredom and part sorrow,
with all the doors and windows tightly shut,
from yesterday, the same today, tomorrow.
Besieged by nothing much yet trapped and stuck,
like in a maze, completely at a loss,
burned out, turned in, used up, down on my luck,
forsaken like one stuck upon a cross.
And yet Someone can make my spirit soar,
with my sore heart, sad mind, sick soul still free,
Who I know I've yet fully to explore,
and Who can take away all my ennui.
O God, I pray give me Your graceful glue,
so I will stay forever stuck on You.
-- by Pete Voelz 2/07
Monday, July 7, 2014
Contrition Day
I hate my sins that show on Judgment Day,
when we stand bare before the world and God,
and show our shame for every evil way,
as with His beauty everyone is awed.
Then we will be so sorry, so contrite,
not ever wanting to do sin again,
and wishing all our flaws were out of sight,
and that on earth we'd been more sorry then.
And yet, although God's perfect justice rules,
His perfect mercy too comes into play,
and though His justice damns us sinful fools,
we'll win His mercy some mysterious way.
O God, help me not risk so much, I pray,
by sinning less and sorrowing more today.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/06
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Would I Love God?
Would I love God if He did not love me?
Yet knowing He does, do I love God much now?
It’s not His fault, but my inadequacy,
I don’t much choose such love to now allow.
Is it because there’s one I love much more?
Do I make of myself a god instead?
Next to exciting me, is God a bore?
Is He inside my heart, if not my head?
Before I serve and love, I first must know,
I blind myself from seeing His love clear,
for knowing Him, I’ll see He loves me so,
then He’d depose me, is that what I fear?
If You’d not love me, Lord, why then obey?
That’s hard enough with all Your love today.
by Pete Voelz 7/6/14
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Why Was I Made?
What good am I to God, why did He make
this funny, fickle and fainthearted fool,
this silly, sneaky and self-centered fake,
this bungling, inept, ineffective tool?
He takes this tool, this pencil in His hand,
this vain yet humble creature that He made
and draws a picture we don't understand
and carves a soul with just this rusty blade.
God takes my thread and weaves a tapestry,
God joins His whim to my inane caprice,
from acorn me, the Lord designs a tree,
my simple seed, a garden masterpiece.
All this from me, I cannot fathom why,
except my love--the apple of His eye.
-- by Pete Voelz 12/04
Friday, July 4, 2014
Free to Love
Why does God love me more than sinless birds?
With no free will, they give Him no offense.
With no free will, they say no loving words,
and that to God makes all the difference.
God wants my love free more than anything,
and for it He has paid great love to me,
and promises me yet more love to bring,
but to accept or not I still am free.
Though He's commanded me to love Him too,
and also love my neighbor, friend and foe,
and to obey His law in what I do,
He still has left me room to whisper, "No".
O God, You finally freely give me heaven,
if I bring You a love that's freely given.
-- by Pete Voelz
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Love's Proof
If we say God is love, where is the proof?
St. John writes God is love, what is His case?
Creation hardly shows God is aloof,
how lovely that He made our human race.
God so much loved us, He gave up His Son,
Who stripped Himself of all His Godliness
for love of us until His job was done,
suffered and died so heaven we could possess.
All-powerful God, Whose greatest power is love,
gives us the power to love each other too,
what’s hinted here we’ll have in heaven above,
when all these proofs of love we find are true.
No greater love than dying for a friend,
You’ve shown us, Lord, already without end.
by Pete Voelz 7/2/14
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
No Stand-by God
God's toes touch mine as face-to-face we stand,
my belly brushes His all of the time,
no arms-length God, He reaches for my hand,
our actions move as through a shadow mime.
I float forlorn between the earth and sky,
temptation waves pile on up to my chin,
no stand-by God, He stares close eye-to-eye,
poised to unglue with mercy all my sin.
I realize I have to reach out to Him,
my freedom dictates I must do my part,
no bloodless God, He knows my hopes are dim
if He's not right there for our heart-to-heart.
O human Christ, Who shares my situation,
help me just touch Your offer of salvation.
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