Sunday, May 31, 2015
Trinity of Love
(On the Feast of the Holy Trinity)
I know the Trinity is Three in One,
the Bible puts all Three at the Creation.*
Their names are Father, Holy Spirit, Son,
God shows Them in His Scriptural Revelation.
At Christ’s baptism, the Spirit was a Dove,
"He's My Beloved Son,” the Father said,
“In Our three names,” Christ later spoke with love,
“let all be baptized and the Gospel spread.”
The angel told, at Mary’s Annunciation
that Spirit and Father would help her be with child.
And later on at Christ’s Transfiguration,
the Dove appeared, the Father spoke and smiled.
Except for Christ, They act in unity,
our Trinity of love and mystery.
*“all things were made through Him (the Word).” John 1:1
“the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters,” Gen. 1:2
by Pete Voelz 5/31/15
Saturday, May 30, 2015
My Anchors
God and His Church are anchors here for me,
both universal, all mine, everywhere,
providing Scripture, prayers, and liturgy,
a stream of grace and fellowship to share.
Served in persona Christi by our priest,
our Church His body and our pastor, Christ,
His body too our Eucharistic feast,
our Sacrificer and our Sacrificed.
His heavenly Kingdom is my anchor goal,
on earth His Kingdom Church, my anchor base,
our friendship is the anchor of my soul,
He anchors through His Kingdom with His grace.
In all these ways, O God, I anchor You,
You and Your Kingdom are my anchors true.
by Pete Voelz 5/30/15
Friday, May 29, 2015
Always There
I have a prayer I pray before I pray,
but then before I pray it, I’m aware
the One Who never ever goes away
is then with me as He is always there.
To come to me I do not have to ask,
instead it’s I must go to Him, I know,
I must be real, I have to drop the mask,
I’m here because I’ve nowhere else to go.
It’s best in dark and quiet when we’re alone,
not just to pray, but mostly listen too,
my life, my sins, my future I must own,
like His, I must make sure my voice is true.
To hear and pray, I too must do my part,
for when we meet together in my heart.
by Pete Voelz 5/29/15
Thursday, May 28, 2015
The Sign of the Soul
The living do not want to think of death,
the dying want to cling to their own life,
the living want to hide from their last breath,
the dying--to end the struggle and the strife.
The soul looks for a miracle, a sign,
it finds one in acceptance of its fate,
we’re meant to follow nature by design,
to see the end is glory, and then wait.
We come to know God made us by His care,
He loved us so He died to set us free,
He gives us no more pain than we can bear,
He sets the soul to see its destiny.
I give You all, O Lord, to reach the goal,
to see and love--the deep signs of my soul.
by Pete Voelz 5/28/15
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Love's Grace
Life is a package wrapped in grace and pain,
one is so plain, one is invisible,
one loads life down with sweat and tears and chain,
one lifts it up, a kind of miracle.
Love glows in drip drops, then leaps like a flood,
it beams its light and lets us see the grace,
pain stabs a while, draws suffering and blood,
love, grace embrace ‘til pain is but a trace.
Faith opens up our hope for love’s sweet end,
hope turns my face to gaze on what’s above,
made in His image, I become His friend,
life’s package opens, and all that’s left is love.
Faith, hope and grace reveal that life is best
when pain succumbs to love’s eternal rest.
by Pete Voelz 5/27/15
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
No Prayer, Almost
I have no need, I don’t know how to pray,
there’s nothing new I have to say to You,
as for the Creed I very seldom say,
I’m not so sure that half of it is true.
Where is Your voice that I’m supposed to hear,
Your presence far away I do not feel?
How can I talk to One Who’s never near,
invisible and silent, barely real?
I’m busy, what lately have You done for me?
The friends I have--none of them seem to care,
we never talk about our destiny,
we live as if there’s no there really there.
Unworthy, undeserving of reward,
I throw myself upon Your mercy, Lord.
by Pete Voelz 5/26/15
Monday, May 25, 2015
A Perfect God
What is the best part of a perfect God?
That God is goodness with no hint of bad?
That He is truth without a false facade?
That God is happiness, so never sad?
That He is beauty with no ugly side?
That God is loving and thus full of care?
That He is honest with no thing to hide?
That God is loyal and so always there?
St. John defined Him once, that God is love,
and perfect, with no parts, He is one whole,
then we conclude that He's all the above,
though one good part is God lives in my soul.
I like God best as giver and forgiver,
for giving me forgiveness for forever.
-- by Pete Voelz 1/05
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Those Forty Days (Part 2)
Those days, Christ also showed His Godly side,
He was alive for He had conquered death,
no ghost, He truly lived, He truly died,
He gave the Spirit to them just by His breath.
They touched His wounds, they shared the fish He ate,
saw Him a lot, five hundred at one time,
they worshipped Him, “My Lord and God”--so great,
they watched Him walk through walls, a God sublime.
“O ye of little faith, be not afraid,
blest those who do not see yet do believe,”
for those with doubts, “Peace be to you, He prayed,
“for soon the Holy Spirit you will receive.”
At last You, Lord, ascended into heaven,
thanks for Your life--and mine--and all You’ve given.
by Pete Voelz 5/24/15
Saturday, May 23, 2015
God Proves
God doesn't have to prove Himself to me,
and yet He proves Himself to me each day,
God doesn't need me, He's content and free,
yet He shows proof in almost every way.
He makes the universe, the sea and sky,
the maple tree from just a tiny seed,
He forms a star while I stand, gaping, by,
a darling child, what more proof do I need?
Why does He have to prove to me so much?
He loves me so, and gives me proof to know,
my fragile faith needs something strong to clutch,
and His proof helps my faith to stronger grow.
Instead of, Lord, a skeptic attitude,
I take Your love and proof with gratitude.
-- by Pete Voelz
Friday, May 22, 2015
God's Gifts
(Pentacost -- this Sunday)
O Holy Spirit, You come with seven gifts,
like piety, that humble holiness,
and counsel when we give a word that lifts,
You rain Your grace with qualities that bless.
Then intellectual traits that stir the mind--
with knowledge that we need You fill us up,
with understanding so we are unblind,
and best You let us drink from wisdom’s cup.
O Spirit, You strengthen us with fortitude,
the courage to follow You, not cowardly sin,
fear of the Lord, a sort of angel food--
respect our awesome God Who helps us win.
Your gifts make strong our faith at Confirmation,
and send the devil away in consternation.
by Pete Voelz 4/12/15
O Holy Spirit, You come with seven gifts,
like piety, that humble holiness,
and counsel when we give a word that lifts,
You rain Your grace with qualities that bless.
Then intellectual traits that stir the mind--
with knowledge that we need You fill us up,
with understanding so we are unblind,
and best You let us drink from wisdom’s cup.
O Spirit, You strengthen us with fortitude,
the courage to follow You, not cowardly sin,
fear of the Lord, a sort of angel food--
respect our awesome God Who helps us win.
Your gifts make strong our faith at Confirmation,
and send the devil away in consternation.
by Pete Voelz 4/12/15
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
God's Place
God is not there, just as He is not here,
God has no place, He's a relationship,
outside of space, He has no far or near,
He is no iceberg and He has no tip.
God's bigger than the universe we see,
yet He's not big at all, He has no size,
He is a riddle in a mystery,
most known of all, still such a big surprise.
God's not a thing, yet He's a person true,
without a start or end, He'll always be;
a vast continuum of love for you,
He is a close and personal friend for me.
O God, if we have no kinship of place,
we share a consanguinity of grace.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
His Miracle Sword
God sent His Son, but sent Him here well armed,
His miracles proved His power came from God,
not from the devil were His miracles charmed,
a house divided falls like a facade.
Christ sent Apostles out to preach His word,
their miracles would prove their Church was true,
His promised miracles meant they would be heard,
not stopping there, His saints did miracles too.
Then Christ sent Mother Mary back to earth,
at Fatima and Lourdes she did appear,
her shrines have proved how much her words are worth,
thousands of miracles occur each year.
When critics shout and doubts arise, O Lord,
Your miracles cut their folly like a sword.
by Pete Voelz 5/19/15
Monday, May 18, 2015
Those Forty Days
For forty days the Risen Christ remains,
what does He do before He goes to heaven?
St. Peter as His leader He sustains:
“Do you love Me? Feed My sheep, you’re forgiven.”
He orders them to do four sacraments:
“Forgive their sins and then their sins are gone.”
He blesses, breaks the bread, as they would hence,
and “Baptize all in our names from now on.”
He promises His Spirit He would send,
Who would confirm their faith at Pentacost,
and will, as He, defend them to the end.
“Teach all My Gospel so none will be lost.”
I need not see Your wounds, I do not fear
to trust Your Church, Lord, that You left us here.
by Pete Voelz 5/18/15
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Squeeze God In
Sometimes it's hard, O God, to squeeze You in,
I'm buzy with a million things to do,
and fallen me, I take time out to sin,
and I must have some leisure hours too.
My physical providing takes much time,
to exercise, to eat, to shop, to sleep,
my schedule leaves few spots for the sublime,
and I must earn my and my family's keep.
My mind is filled with worries, problems, cares,
my health is failing as I run the race,
I can't expect much from sporadic prayers,
amidst the storm, I feel few gusts of grace.
For wasted time, Lord, let me be forgiven,
so You can hopefully squeeze me into heaven.
-- by Pete Voelz 2/08
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Patient Prayer
I ask You, Lord, what good it does to pray
for something over days and months and years,
You answer us in Your mysterious way,
due to the prayer and sacrifice and tears.
You often wait and ask that we should wait,
not be discouraged by the silence there,
it seems our words pile up at heaven’s gate,
but You hear all, there is no wasted prayer.
You seek our patience and our faith the most,
the waiting puts our virtues to the test,
it finally’s not our praying we should boast,
to praise and boast Your greatness is the best.
Your good advice--submission to these three--
first faith, then patience, then humility.
by Pete Voelz 5/16/15
Friday, May 15, 2015
God with a Face
It's hard to pray to One Who has no face,
Whose awesome name makes Him seem far away,
Whose arc of power's impossible to trace,
Whose picture we don't have, it's hard to pray,
But easier to the One Whose words are sweet,
Whose face and images are full of love,
Someone Who we are not afraid to meet,
Who's close to us below, not high above.
Incarnate Christ, You took on our same dust,
in joining us, You seem more here than there,
Your loving life and death evoke our trust,
it's easier to turn to You in prayer.
O Jesus, with Your ways so warm and true,
I find in prayer I more relate to You.
-- by Pete Voelz 2/07
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Faithfulness and Faith
What hope do I see rising from my life?
I see my faith, and I see faithfulness.
Is anything better than a faithful wife?
How glad I’m now that I’ve been faithful, yes.
My faith I’ve felt sustained me all the way,
God and His Church, the mountains by my side,
have guarded, guided, nourished me each day,
these last few days I think I will abide.
What can, O Lord, I finally pass along?
Work hard, run hard so as to win the race,
bounce swift from sin so your sweet soul is strong,
stay faithful to stay in the state of grace.
It doesn’t take a genius to see
my faithfulness and faith still rescue me
by Pete Voelz 5/14/15
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Love Not Too Far
It’s hard to love You, Lord, from far away,
when love can float around and just pretend,
say love today if not said yesterday,
keep at arm’s length the One I call my friend.
What love is there if I don’t read Your word,
if in Your church You never see me stand,
if in Your choir my voice is never heard,
if I claim love and then break Your command?
What can I do to bring Your love more near?
My public prayer shows You I don’t resist,
so I praise and defend You without fear,
take You inside me in Your Eucharist.
To know Your love is not too far from me,
let me be close to You as close can be.
by Pete Voelz 5/13/15
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Fatima Miracles
Dear Friends, we all have got a job to do,
this anniversary of year 98,
we need to find a miracle or two,
to make three children saints to celebrate.
Francisco and Jacinta canonized,
with Sister Lucia soon beatified,
that they are siants no one should be surprised,
but all the rules must first be satisfied.
‘Twas May thirteenth in 1917,
Blest Mary did appear to them in blue,
six times she and her miracles were seen,
all her historical predictions true.*
She asked the Rosary for peace we’d pray,
so in two years we celebrate this day.
* Mainly the end of communism in Russia.
by Pete Voelz 5/12/15
Monday, May 11, 2015
The Old in the New
(Mass at St. Joan of Arc’s in Toledo today)
When entering a church we do not know,
all things at first so much dissimilar seem;
the candles from unusual spaces glow,
the rays from different stained glass windows gleem.
The strangers file into distinctive pews,
the unfamiliar priest sings down the aisle;
our eyes explore so many unknown cues,
we miss the accustomed sights and similar style.
Then suddenly the familiar rite begins,
we make the usual signing of the cross;
we pray God take away the same old sins,
the priest says routine prayers with little gloss.
We're awed with just how much all parts persist
in whatever church we pray our Eucharist.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/11/15
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Only Praise
God knows what my petitions are, and needs,
He sees them all before I even pray,
He ponders all my thoughts and words and deeds,
so prayers of praise are all the prayers I say.
God likes to answer prayers before they’re prayed,
He’s pleased with praise before it’s even raised,
and long before we’ve asked, He’s planned His aid,
and then can’t wait to hear how much He’s praised.
Some prayers of praise are thanks for all He’s given,
and some are sorrow for the sins I’ve done,
we join our praise with that of those in heaven,
and share our happy praise in joy and fun.
I raise my voice in loud or silent praise,
to set my heart and Yours, O Lord, ablaze.
by Pete Voelz 5/8/15
Saturday, May 9, 2015
God Out There
When I say, "God's out there," what do I mean?
His there is further out than any there,
with nature's things He does not intervene
because He permeates them everywhere.
His big bang burst of light began Creation,
the stars spread outward at the speed of light,
His finger formed its first and firm foundation
that pushes back the infinite tide of night.
Why did He go to such great lengths to make
a world so soon corrupted by a man?
Yet in our fallen state He won't forsake
the ones who reach above His starry span.
God stretches far beyond our puny science
to show how much He is our soul reliance.
by Pete Voelz
Friday, May 8, 2015
God on Display
God’s on display with Moses, Jesus, and me,
He split the Red Sea with His mighty hand,
and led His Chosen People to be free,
then through the desert to the Promised Land.
God blessed Christ’s supper in the upper room,
then led Him to the cross, each nail a knife,
and through His death and three days in the tomb,
then from His shroud to Resurrected life.
Now God leads me, a slave to deadly cancer,
through death’s dark land led by His hand of love,
providing time for praying as my answer
to dying and His promised life above.
Like cross and seas, so too my dark disease,
Lord, You display Your care and mysteries.
by Pete Voelz 5/6/15
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Defer to God
I do defer to God because He knows
much more than I do, He knows everything,
I am so ignorant, and how it shows,
He brings so much compared to what I bring.
Since God is love, to Him I do defer,
what I have felt of love is what He’s shown,
His love has come to me so strong and sure,
I’ve tried to take and make His love my own.
And I defer to God for strength and grace,
I only am as strong as He makes me,
to gain His grace, I need to give Him space
for prayer, repentance, and humility.
To have all these, what makes the difference?
In faith to choose them free with deference.
by Pete Voelz 5/5/15
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Mother Mary's May
May is the month we dedicate to Mary,
we honor mothers on their Mother’s Day,
Mary’s our Mother super-honorary,
Mother of God and man more than just May.
May brings us spring, and all the beautiful flowers
do honor to our mother Mary true,
no goddess, yet blest with God-given powers,
bestowed by Christ, the Son she leads us to.
As Mother of our God, what else is left?
She’s Mother of us all and everything,
without her “Yes,” we would be all bereft
of our Redeemer, Christ her Son and King.
In May and spring when everything is green,
let’s honor Mother Mary, heaven’s Queen.
by Pete Voelz 5/2/15
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
All You Do
O God, I shrink before Your size and might,
Your greatness overwhelms my littleness,
and yet You deign to visit me at night
to show me I am great to You no less.
You stoop so low to raise me so high up,
though You need barely glance my humble way,
You bide to fill my never empty cup,
that runneth over with Your love each day.
You plucked me out of nothingness to be,
You formed my life as all about me swirled
Your soup of stars to vast infinity,
and let me share Your Lordship for this world.
How can I not in all humility
bow low in thanks for all You do for me.
-- by Pete Voelz 9/05
Friday, May 1, 2015
God's Own Magic
(Dedicated to Harry Potter and friends)
St. Peter did not have a magic wand,
he merely used his shadow to aid the sick,
and said the name of Jesus to respond
to the crippled’s plea and cure him so quick.
St. Joseph Cupertino did not fly
upon a broomstick, no, he simply flew,
St. Anthony used no magician’s lie
to cure their souls and then their bodies too.
At Lourdes, France the young St. Bernadette
cured no one, but saw Mary by power divine,
like Guadalupe’s Juan Diego, yet
St. Mary cures thousands at each shrine.
Though magic tales are fun and wonderful,
God lets His saints do many a miracle.
by Pete Voelz 5/1/15
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