Wednesday, July 31, 2013
The "I-Thou" God
God does not stop His work to hear my prayer,
He keeps right on with speeding stars in space,
but He's attentive always anywhere,
and my small prayer lights up His heavenly face.
As far away His piercing glance flies free,
He waits for me to do my little part,
I call, comes He Who never shies from me,
He visits, He Who never leaves my heart.
I want to pay attention to Him here,
I want to always sense Him near me now,
I want to know His loving presence clear,
experience full the constant "I and Thou."*
Let me, O God, in this life hear and see
the voice and face a bit that wait on me.
* The title of a book about our relationship
with God by Martin Buber a century ago.
-- by Pete Voelz 10/07
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Trinity Man
Christ was and is One of the Trinity,
yet left Their heaven when He beame a child,
His own humanity a mystery,
separate from Them, so we’d be reconciled.
Begotten of the Father from all time,
His Mother spoused the Holy Spirit here,
a trinity of decades to His prime,
and but three years for His public career.
O God from God, You came to earth alone,
the Father and the Spirit stayed above,
still One with Them, You suffered on Your own,
though through You too, They showed a Godly love.
O God of Trinity, here a God-Man,
You, with Their help, would die and rise again.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/28/13
Monday, July 29, 2013
Daily Mass
I go to church each day for Christ is there,
Christ beckons me within the Eucharist;
it is the best place for my earnest prayer,
Christ draws me in and I cannot resist.
My presence is a statement to the world,
Christ's presence shows He wants to come to me;
to all I show my true beliefs unfurled,
Christ witnesses to what I want to be.
I have a hundred reasons why I go,
Christ gives me grace and blesses my whole day;
I pray my vices fade, my virtues grow,
Christ claims my soul and wipes my sins away.
O Lord, I spend an hour a day with Thee,
so You will spend eternity with me.
-- by Pete Voelz
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Out of the Wilderness
What good that I might pray for fifty years
for old friends who are in a spiritual mess,
and have but hope, despite my many fears,
to lead some day out of the wilderness?
If prayer is so effective and so strong,
why are my prayers for these old friends so weak?
Yet not for me to pray would be so wrong,
and praying makes their outlook seem less bleak.
Besides my love compels my heart to pray,
and put their fate in God's hands with my trust
that from the wilderness He'll find a way,
if I just keep on praying as I must.
Compelled by love and trust, my prayer brings peace,
Lord, You'll bring them, from wilderness, release.
-- by Pete Voelz 10/10
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Love Conquers Fear
I know you love me, so I’m not afraid,
I know I’m safe whenever you are near,
if I need help, you hurry to my aid,
I’m loved, I’m safe, I’m helped--love conquers fear.
I’m not afraid, I know you love me too,
you always feel you’re safe with me, it’s clear,
just as you help me, so will I help you,
our mutual love’s secure, love conquers fear.
Since God is love, our faithful love is good,
what’s good above is also good down here,
that fear of God is good is understood,
our awe and love for God will conquer fear.
Like us, if our love’s in His image made,
we live John Paul’s first words--”Be not afraid.”*
* When he was made Pope, Bl. John Paul II’s
first six words were “Be not afraid, be not afraid.”
-- by Pete Voelz 7/27/13
Friday, July 26, 2013
Dawn Hope
What prompts the birds at dawn to sing so loud,
while I despairing shrink from the new day?
I face the morning light with my head bowed,
as they rejoice to chase the night away.
The sun comes up, they start their search for food,
while I begin my daily search with dread
to find some hope in my disquietude;
they don't need hope to find their daily bread.
Without God's will not one falls from the sky,
upon my head God numbers every hair;
so why do I fear I will not get by
and God will not provide for me with care?
O God, Your promises are ever true,
help me humbly to put my trust in You.
-- by Pete Voelz 3/06
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Layers to God
O God, our gap between is layered thick,
distractions are not few and happen fast,
demands keep me from coming back so quick,
regrets and memories flood from the past.
The layers of my guilt obscure my sight,
the cool lights of the world lure me aside,
to find my faith I often have to fight,
and whenYou slay the layers, I sometimes hide.
How can I pierce the problems of the day,
or slice preoccupations to a few,
or cut my job and family needs away,
to find a time to build our bond anew?
Lord, make the layers disappear somehow,
and let my prayers sail through them here and now.
-- by Pete Voelz 3/08
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
When I Turn
I turn to God with nowhere else to go,
and, helpless, place my problems at His door,
where He will take good care of them, I know,
and then I hardly have them anymore.
I turn to God to offer Him my prayer,
though He's all great and good and I am dust,
at least I know with heaven I am square,
for God's the One I can completely trust.
I turn to God because it pleasures me
to sail beyond the stars to glimpse His face,
to dip my toe into eternity,
to taste a bit the fullness of His grace.
O God, when I am lost without a clue,
I still can wrest perspective best from You.
-- by Pete Voelz 3/07
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Do Not Give Up
O God, I pray, do not give up on me,
I know how hard You've tried to keep me true,
I haven't been as good as I should be,
I still don't do the good that I could do.
How much You rate the freedom that You gave me,
because You know the worth of love it brings,
because You know the love I need to save me,
and freely stained, You know how much it stings.
That's why You try to help with all Your might,
to keep me true to You and Your commands,
though You are strong and I'm weak in the fight,
Your freedom leaves it finally in my hands.
Though we both know how easily I stray,
O God, do not give up on me, I pray.
-- by Pete Voelz 3/09
Monday, July 22, 2013
From Love to Gratitude
What does it mean, I ask, that God made me?
I didn’t come from nothing, but from love,
since He loved me from all eternity,
I don’t belong below, but up above.
God’s perfect and I’m drawn to His perfection,
and God is love stretched to infinity,
I cannot fathom why I would reject Him
just ‘cuz I can because He made me free.
I must be free to prove my love is real,
and choose to serve God with humility,
my reason, eyes of faith, and how I feel
help me to see and love One I can’t see.
How can I not be faithful, Lord, and true,
so overwhelmed with gratitude to You?
-- by Pete Voelz 7/22/13
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Incarnation Mother
God’s Spirit gave Christ His human soul divine,
you, Mary, formed His human body side,
your “yes” made your own womb God’s holy shrine,
you bore, raised, followed, saw God crucified.
You loved Him all those years so I will too,
He loved you most and no doubt always will,
He named you from His cross my Mother true,
I pray these mysteries on your Rosary still.
Your Son made Himself Eucharist for me,
with Him I take your body too, your blood,
we worship Christ as God, we all agree,
but honoring you, His grace comes in a flood.
Some call you Mediatrix of All Grace,
O Incarnation Mother I embrace.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/21/13
Saturday, July 20, 2013
The Whole of Me
My mind is weak, my words are weaker still,
for my response needs more than words or mind,
that through my sin I could a child kill
repulses me, how could I be so blind?
The horror strikes not just my rational part,
I cannot compartmentalize my whole,
it blows my mind but also stabs my heart,
but most of all it shrivels dry my soul.
No words can tell the peace I need to feel,
the spiritual solace only God can give,
the grief of mine that makes forgiveness real,
His merciful care that helps me want to live.
I pay with suffering for what is free,
Your love, O Lord, that heals the whole of me.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/20/13
Friday, July 19, 2013
Living Up
O God, let me live up to what You wish,
help me live so as to obtain the prize,
this man You made, You could have made a fish,
You've destined me for Your own paradise.
Why did You make me, God, why do You wait,
You don't make junk, You love the good in me,
You made me free, so I decide my fate,
my heart and hands will set my destiny.
To struggle in this life I need Your grace,
You want my faith and my repentence too,
give me the guts to look You in the face,
to live Your truth and give my love to You.
O God, for You I do accept the pain,
to live Your wish and hope a God to gain.
-- by Pete Voelz 2/08
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Love's Load
Love brings a burden only love can bear,
love brings a child into the maw of life,
but who can bear the child’s load with care,
and help the helpless child face the strife?
Love brings with it what only love can render,
to tend the child’s needs, the daily grind,
beyond the burden, render love so tender,
devoted, gentle, patient, warm and kind.
Life passes and the child and parents grow,
the child’s mature, the parents, old, have needs,
they can be met ways only love can know,
love’s proved again by more than words and deeds.
I am God’s child, and God knows how to love
in ways that here I’m only dreaming of.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/18/13
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Karate God
I saw a Sumo, must have weighed a ton,
and if I wrestled him, I’d have to pray,
maybe for Sumos wrestling can be fun,
I wrestle with the devil every day.
With Judo and Aikido I’m no good,
my body hates the practice and control,
but if I do not do the things I should,
so what I win at them and lose my soul?
If like Bruce Lee, I’m some Karate hero,
and could move mountains just like old Chuck Norris,
my life would add up even less than zero,
if loving not, I’d miss the angels’ chorus.*
What profits me to use my body well,
if I forget You, God, and land in hell?**
* 1 Cor 13:2
** Mk 8:36
-- by Pete Voelz 7/17/13
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Dimensionless God
God's mercy's wider than the galaxies,
His power higher than the stars above,
God's kindness deeper than the ocean seas,
His love lasts longer than forever love.
Omniscient, God's a humble know-it-all,
ubiquitous, great God is everywhere,
omnipotent, His house will never fall,
attentively, He answers every prayer.
Our spaceless God is nowhere more than here,
our ageless God lasts for eternity,
dimensionless, He draws His outlines clear,
our timeless God has always time for me.
O God, You cover me from head to toe,
there's literally no other place to go.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/08
Separation God
(Posted 7/15)
Why, God, is there this separation here?
Why are we so apart to take this test?
Would it not help me pass if You were near?
Without Your presence, I can’t do my best.
Down here we need to see and hear and sense,
You’re near I know but seem so far above,
we rational creatures here need evidence.
Can’t we see You, not just Your signs of love?
Your universe, Your children’s eyes I see,
Why can’t I catch just one glimpse of Your face?
I need to sense You, Lord, more spiritually
with Sacraments and Eucharist and grace.
“If you see Me, you see the Father too,”
in Word, my soul, and others I see You.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/15/13
Why, God, is there this separation here?
Why are we so apart to take this test?
Would it not help me pass if You were near?
Without Your presence, I can’t do my best.
Down here we need to see and hear and sense,
You’re near I know but seem so far above,
we rational creatures here need evidence.
Can’t we see You, not just Your signs of love?
Your universe, Your children’s eyes I see,
Why can’t I catch just one glimpse of Your face?
I need to sense You, Lord, more spiritually
with Sacraments and Eucharist and grace.
“If you see Me, you see the Father too,”
in Word, my soul, and others I see You.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/15/13
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Prayer Game
I say a prayer to God that’s like a game,
a prayer to Him, a God Who’s always near,
I pray, “May You attend out there my name
and prayer, O God, so far beyond my fear.”
My fear is close, but God is closer still,
“Come nearer, God so far, and hear me say,
‘I’m here for You, I come to do Your will,’
I’m here, come near and stay with me today.”
I know the God Who’s near will never leave,
so long I stay, we are not far apart,
“You’re always here to care, I do believe,
so long each day I open up my heart.”
“You’re near, You’ll stay, the ball is in my court,
I’m here, I’ll play the game, Your prayerful sport.”
-- by Pete Voelz 7/12/13
Saturday, July 13, 2013
God's Logic
God’s logic seems a foolishness to me,
God’s foolishness is way beyond my ken,
God’s logic has so much of mystery,
should we deny, when He wants an “Amen?”
The foolishness of God, Paul said, is wise,
to understand it, would we not be God?
We fathom not perfection in disguise,
for if we’d understand, that would be odd.
God’s wisdom may demand faith in response,
faith more than logic sheds sufficient light,
with faith, God satisfies our basic wants,
while logic's proud, it's faith that saves with might.
“Faith seeking understanding” fills in part
the yearning of my almost faithless heart.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/12/13
Friday, July 12, 2013
Just when I think I have it figured out,
comes suddenly another mystery,
and then I’m tempted to another doubt,
why would God let this happen here to me?
It takes time to adjust to something new,
and new unknowns, I must say, give me pause,
I have to stop, look long, and think it through,
is my love strong enough to flood the flaws?
I need Your love, O Lord, and they need mine,
I’m drawn from what I know I should embrace,
“to err is human, to forgive, divine,”
You bring good from the worst, along with grace.
Let me accept, Lord, and be not afraid,
and turn this lemon into lemonade.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/12/13
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Fragile Soul
So Jacob lay his head upon a stone,
the cowboys for a pillow used a saddle,
I broke my wrist--how weak became the bone,
are we as fragile for a spiritual battle?
I lay my bandaged arm upon a pillow,
where do I gently rest my broken soul?
A broken heart can spring back like a willow,
but sins that break a soul take greater toll.
I use God’s special salve for it to heal,
I need a spiritual ointment from above,
for His forgiveness, my contrition real,
confession, mercy sought with mutual love.
From sin, my fragile soul so easy breaks,
the cure, Your kindness, Lord, is all it takes.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/11/13
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
The Atoms of My Soul
If God sustains my every molecule,
and keeps my world and body in control,
does He do some such similar miracle
in tending to the atoms of my soul?
As I invite my body to His church,
and welcome healthy food He bids me share,
do I too make a graceful spiritual search
how best to bid my soul into His care?
A universe of stars He’s made for me,
but what’s made for my most important part?
A heaven that lasts for an eternity
He’s built with spiritual atoms in my heart.
If I can’t sense or see the soul You form,
I feel by faith, O Lord, Your love so warm.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/9/13
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
God Unsearchable
God is unsearchable, and yet I search,
I want to know the Lord and all His ways,
there's lots about Him I find out in church,
so far I know enough to give Him praise.
God shows Himself to me if I but look,
He gives me reason, I must do my part,
He helps me read Creation and His book,
He speaks, if I but listen, in my heart.
Though I can't fully know, still I can know,
God gives me ways and helps me as I do,
from knowing God, my love and service grow,
God wants I work the world with what is true.
O God, I want to love and serve You best,
then I don't care if I know all the rest.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/08
Monday, July 8, 2013
In quiet dark, God calls me to respond:
“I made you and you owe Me in return,
I love you and I want our hearts to bond,
My love for you I hope you do not spurn.
I do command you to obey My law,
and most to love Me back with all your might,
I am your God, you must hold Me in awe,
I hope you worship Me as your delight.
I next command you love your neighbor too,
for I reside inside each one you see,
I make you free for what you want to do,
I give you grace and faith to follow Me.”
O God, it's hard to look You in the eye,
and say I'll do it all, at least I'll try.
-- by Pete Voelz 1/08
Sunday, July 7, 2013
That Building
My son, you know I'm not some cannibal,
and yet I eat God's body every day;
no vampire me, yet by a miracle,
I drink God's blood--to drain my sins away.
I talk to God all day when not in church,
but I go there, in faith to see His face,
to find the truth in life for which I search,
for only there, I fill up on His grace.
In public witness of my faith I go
to show Him humble witness to His will;
for my Church is the only place I know,
where I can go to get of God my fill.
While I may not need church--God's everywhere,
to eat and drink of Christ, I must go there.
-- by Pete Voelz 1/08
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Relationship to God
O God, what’s my relationship to You?
You thought of me from all eternity,
and all this time, O Lord, You've loved me too,
You shared my lot to share Your lot with me.
With all these gifts, how have I used my lot?
Most for myself, I'm sad to say it's true,
so many ways I've sinned, a saint I'm not,
You died for me, while I've not lived for You.
Since You are God, I should bow low in prayer,
so steeped in pride, I should so humble be,
instead of self, I should give others care,
You live in them, just as You live in me.
Lord, though my mind be dark, my will so weak,
make stronger our relationship unique.
-- by Pete Voelz 10/05
Friday, July 5, 2013
God's Healthy Fear
My fear of God is warm though fear is cold,
for Scripture tells me I should fear the Lord,
and mixed with love, my fear of God is gold,
while other fears leave rust as their reward.
The Psalmist says to fear the Lord is good,
and adds that fearing God is His delight,
how sad fear of the Lord's misunderstood,
for fear of disobedience is right.
Our perfect God deserves my reverence,
my love includes respect for His great law,
a healthy fear of His just punishments,
my fear to hurt the One I hold in awe.
O God, I think of heaven and then I fear
of losing Your love there by sinning here.
-- by Pete Voelz 4/07
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Gift to Love
God gave to me the gift to love my mother,
when He used her to teach me how to love,
God gives us still the gift to love each other,
for all gifts of true love come from above.
My parents see their face in me so true,
and that's one reason why they love me more,
God made us in His loving image too,
for He's the One our true love's really for.
Go with your gifts, your strengths that you do best,
God gives us gifts that make us so unique,
the power to love is more than all the rest,
to hone our love we should above all seek.
O God, You give Your great love to us free,
may I give all my love as You love me.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/08
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Small to Great
We’re small in every way except for one,
mere creatures who’ve made nothing on our own,
our lives would count for nothing when we’re done,
but only for the love that God has shown.
This love is not just earthly feelings here,
feelings or not, He gives us love to share,
to share with fellow humans far and near,
His love made even bigger when we care.
God’s giant love makes all our smallness great,
made greater when we love Him back by grace,
and for our love, His heaven our promised fate,
where He will make divine the human race.
Your infinite love, O Lord, takes little me
and gives, for loving You, infinity.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/3/13
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
God's Horcrux
God wants my horcrux to be His alone,*
He wants my heart and mind, my will power whole,
He wants my love first and foremost His own,
and for my everlasting joy, my soul.
My cell phone, my TV are there to use,
my work and fun are fine if God comes first,
His love’s an offer I cannot refuse,
He really wants to save me from the worst.
I put part of my soul in my Mercedes,
I love my golf game and I love to swim,
besides my family, yes, I love the ladies,
can God expect I have much left for Him?
Where to invest my soul You made me free,
to choose You for my horcrux, Lord, not me.
* A horcrux in Harry Potter is a place we
store part of our soul, so if all the parts are
lost, we have no soul left--like Voldemort’s.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/09
Monday, July 1, 2013
Me in the Masterplan
If You, God, have a Masterplan for all,
then You love me more than just for my sake,
for loving all includes me in the call,
and for me more than my own soul’s at stake.
Your Masterplan means we’re in this together,
the friends I make are not just to please me,
You placed them in my path, not for fair weather,
we love each one because we love You free.
You capture me, then bind me to all others
what You give me is what with them I share,
whoever they may be, they are my brothers,
but most You want my heart--for me to care.
You make the mystery of Your plan quite clear:
to now and here love, love all far and near.
-- by Pete Voelz 6/30/13
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