Thursday, May 31, 2012
Trusting God
Now in my desperation, Lord, I learn
to set aside my fear and in You trust,
with nowhere else to go to You I turn,
and put my faith in You because I must.
I must for You already know it all,
I may not even pray, just throw a glance,
Your name flicks through my mind, no need to call,
no gamble, risk, coincidence or chance.
My trust in You is strong before I pray,
You know my prayer before, my desperate plea,
my trust tells me You’ll solve it Your own way,
You never fail to give Your help to me.
The only question is how quick I go
to You, the One most trustworthy I know.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/22/12
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Cardinal Love
The Cardinal Flower has a rich regalia,
the only red among many Lobelia,
to celebrate the baseball team and birds
with red to see, much better than mere words,
the cardinal points, the cardinal numbers too,
the cardinal bishops red from hat to shoe,
the cardinal virtues, any cardinal thing
that's most important under our red wing.
With brilliant scarlet petals stretching out,
a tube for hummingbirds to poke their snout,
and one gold-tipped thin stamen rising high,
this bloom sings silent praises to the sky.
I hope we too are blest by such a shower
as His love drenches God's red Cardinal Flower.
-- by Pete Voelz 2002
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Love's Risk
Love is a risk, a leap to the unknown,
but love compels us, so it trumps our fear,
love demands faith, deep down and all our own,
the blinding joy of love makes all this clear.
Love's outcome's dim and so love's often lost,
love's roller coaster cannot search each clue,
but searing love will never count the cost,
" 'tis better to have loved and lost" is true.
Most love knows well that love's not meant to be,
it takes two lovers to make love abide,
even requited love is never free,
love has its hidden costs it cannot hide.
Are you, Love, worth it--every risk and bet?
I wondered between loves . . . and yet, and yet.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/10
My Strength
God helps each one of us in His own way,
"My strength is in the Lord," what David prayed,
"Who made the earth and heaven," is true today,
just as God strengthened him, He gives us aid.
When David slew Goliath with the sword,
He put His trust in God, Who made him brave,
his faith and strength and courage from the Lord
saved him, and now us too the Lord can save.
King Saul drew peace and grace from David's psalms,
they healed the king's depression and his fear,
my own soul now King David's singing calms,
I too can sing, O God, and bring You near.
O Lord, You are my strength and destiny,
please give Your gentle strength and grace to me.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/10
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Hopeless Help
When I feel hopeless, I still turn to You,
because You’re always there, I do believe,
because I know Your word is always true,
though I may go, I know You’ll never leave.
You can be trusted, though I cannot be,
You know all things, so little do I know,
I hold me back, You give Your all to me,
I run and hide, You’re everywhere I go.
When we’re not close, we both can tell who moved,
why can’t I be as loyal as You are?
I know I can put trust in One Who’s proved
He’s always there for me and never far.
I know Your faith in me will help me cope,
O Lord, in You I’ll always place my hope.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/27/12
Saturday, May 26, 2012
The Spirit Inspires
The Holy Spirit inspires us with His aid,
when we are down, He helps to raise us higher,
when we are lost, He makes us less afraid,
when we feel cold to God, He is our fire.
For most His help, He gives in spiritual ways,
He pours His powerful grace into our soul,
His hints to get us through our daily maze,
then sends some friends to help us reach our goal.
We have to listen, of course, to hear His voice,
we have to tune Him in to do our part,
we have to work to make the proper choice,
we have to watch and pray with all our heart.
O Spirit, prompt my faith and humility,
so I accept the aid You send to me.
-- by Pete Voelz 2/06
Friday, May 25, 2012
Flower Power
I wonder at the power of a flower
to claim two-thirds of all plant life on earth,
to flourish every corner every hour,
so brief yet destined for so much rebirth.
I must admire the beauty of a blossom,
displayed in every size and shape and style,
unfolding forms so lovely, precious, awesome,
created to attract, enthrall, beguile.
I marvel at the glory of the color,
the varied range of every rainbow hue,
so brighter, stronger, richer, seldom duller
than all the other parts of nature's brew.
In viewing one, I cannot even tally
the virtues of a lily of the valley.
-- by Pete Voelz 2002
Thursday, May 24, 2012
My Constant God
O God, You are the constant in my life,
You are my moon by night, my sun by day,
You are my mainstay in the midst of strife,
You keep me walking on my feet of clay.
O God, You're always there and ever here,
Your will is with the world more than the sea,
I see the stars You shape and have no fear,
You tend the twilight, then You turn to me.
You plan my birth, and now You see my death,
You fix every event except my will,
You count my first cry to my final breath,
I counted on You then, I trust You still.
O Constant God, You have a heaven for me,
help me to place my constant faith in Thee.
-- by Pete Voelz 10/07
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Worries and Desires
I worry about my daughter and my son,
who’d not exist if God had given no wife;
I fear my death when all my days are done,
which would not be had God given me no life.
I shudder at the thought of suffering,
through which God sends to me His powerful grace;
I fear the loss of things to which I cling,
when often they obscure His holy face.
It's money I pursue for happiness,
when happiness lies most in spiritual wealth;
my diet and physical exercise I stress,
neglecting my more vital spiritual health.
O God, take all my worries and desires
and bind them to the view that heaven inspires.
-- by Pete Voelz 11/07
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Nothing Hidden
I try to hide, but You see all I do,
my thought’s inside, but You know all I know,
I sin and try to run away from You,
You follow me no matter where I go.
On Judgment Day each thought will be exposed,
no action will be hidden from Your light,
the ways to heal our words will all be closed,
my soul will be stripped bare before Your sight.
Aid me now, Lord, while I still have a chance,
help me my sins repair and sorry be,
may You with Your good grace my soul enhance,
let me, O God, know what You want of me.
Why should I now, Lord, want to run and hide,
when I with You wish always to abide?
-- by Pete Voelz 5/22/12
Monday, May 21, 2012
Great Beyond God
There's only God there in the great beyond,
there's only God here in my soul with me,
how to this God of all should I respond?
God rules it all and yet He makes me free.
Into vast space the universe expands,
and yet the space is greater in my soul.
Almighty God here holds me in His hands,
yet leaves my soul to, lo, my sole control.
Eternity is vaster than all space,
the universe that grows at lightning speed,
yet God with all His might offers His grace
to strengthen me who's just a weak, weak reed.
O God, my faith tells me all this is true,
may I fill up my space with love for You.
-- by Pete Voelz 9/09
Sunday, May 20, 2012
God's Thick
O God, with You I really am in thick,
I never doubt Your love a little bit,
though sometimes I don't seem to give a lick,
You know for You my love's too thick to quit.
There is no one more sensitive than You,
I know that means Your skin is really thin,
yet when I sin, that can't always be true,
Your skin is thick, and then it's thin again.
O Lord, through thick and thin You're at my side,
You stand by me no matter how You hurt,
You take me back before my eyes have dried,
You help me win when I have lost my shirt.
O God, despite my infidelity,
You know You'll always be in thick with me.
-- by Pete Voelz 1/07
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Map of Love
There’s nothing certain, nothing written down,
although His law is written on my heart;
it isn’t clear if they will smile or frown,
yet there is no success without a start.
All things are written, says the Eastern way,
yet I’m sure I decide my destiny;
God’s Providence for all must have its say,
though even with its weight, I still am free.
Life’s so confusing and so all mixed up,
it’s hard to see the wrong in what is right,
yet sure I am it’s He Who fills my cup,
and positive I need His guiding light.
I see by eyes of faith Your map of love,
I’m certain help, O Lord, comes from above.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/18/12
Friday, May 18, 2012
Real God
Why is this world so real while God seems not?
The world did not make God, no, He made it.
It usually seems this world is all we've got
and that the here and now is all we'll get.
The physical part of us just seems so real,
and yet we know so well our soul inside;
material things affect the way we feel,
it's easy to make spiritual factors hide.
O God, Who made the stars and world and sun
and will make all them disappear so soon,
impress us that You are the only One
and there's more to our heaven than just a moon.
Show us, O Lord, the things that are more true
so we may pay attention more to You.
-- by Pete Voelz 11/04
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Puppet Love
My soul is held by God and yet it's free,
I'm on His puppet strings that I can break,
He will not waste His Providence on me,
it's push and pull in our sweet give and take.
God is not set on my humiliation,
He won't take back the dignity He gave,
my liberty, not His predestination,
will here decide what bloodied soul I save.
Love holds the strings and love will make me dance,
God is my partner, not my puppeteer,
enchanted, yes, still I'm not in a trance,
charmed and in awe, I choose the Lord to fear.
Lend long Your strong grace, God, for this poor soul,
that on our stage we struggle to control.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/10
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
In Good with God
Who is in good with God we do not know,
for sinners may dissolve their sins in prayer,
and even unbeknownst to them may flow
the saving prayers for them from ones who care.
People of God is what we call the Church,
and all in good with God are members true,
mine is the only soul that I can search,
I'm not to check the souls of others too.
Who comes to church, we do not keep a list,
to come and sing and pray is commonplace,
who's worthy to receive the Eucharist,
'tis God alone Who sees our state of grace.
All sinners--wheat and chaff--grow side by side,
in good with You, O God, pray I abide.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/09
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
First Love
You are the first and greatest love of all,
O God, most lovable of all that lives.
Whoever sees You cannot help but fall
in love with You, the God Who gives and gives.
All beauty comes from You, most beautiful,
all goodness from You, perfect every way.
the loving source of every miracle,
most powerful, with all things in Your sway.
In heaven, every answer I will know,
Your goodness, truth and beauty I will see,
from Your presence I’ll never want to go,
for all Your love will concentrate on me.
O God, there You will fill me with Your grace,
and I will ever love You to Your face.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/15/12
Monday, May 14, 2012
My Sounding Board
O God, You are a sounding board to me,
I can be honest and most frank with You,
what's in my soul You can already see,
any pretense or lie You see right through.
O God, You can look right into my heart,
You know before I say it what I'll say,
You read my mind even when we're apart,
You'll be with me tomorrow as today.
O God, if I can't tell You what I think,
it's I from whom I'm trying hard to hide,
You set my sail, You will not let me sink,
I tell You all, You're really on my side.
I can say anything to You, O Lord,
You know it all, my friend, my sounding board.
-- by Pete Voelz 2/08
Sunday, May 13, 2012
I Thank You, Lord
I thank You, Lord, these eyes that let me see,
I thank You for these ears that let me hear,
and while I eat, this taste that pleasures me,
and for this touch and smell of things so near.
Thanks for this heart that beats so faithfully,
these bones that hold me up and set me down,
and all these quarts of blood that flow so free,
these muscles on my frame from toe to crown.
I thank You for these helpful hands and feet,
for all this air my lungs are hungry for,
these cells and genes and DNA discrete,
these atoms, quarks and molecules galore.
And best, this mind, free will, this self and soul,
thank You, God, for each part and, oh, the whole.
-- by Pete Voelz 3/06
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Mary's Mother's Day
The month of May is Mary’s Mother’s Day,
can earthly mothers love as much as she?
God is her Son, she loves Him all the way,
the closest human to infinity.
She proves her care for us when she appears
at Guadalupe, Fatima and Lourdes,
with Mother’s love, she wipes away our fears,
and helps to tend lost sheep who are the Lord’s.
From on His cross God shared her with mankind,
and then gave us to her to be our mother,
best intercessor to her Son, she’ll bind
us all with love and grace to Christ, our Brother.
O Mary, we your children heed your eyes,
our Mother, who loves us to Paradise.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/5/12
Friday, May 11, 2012
What Beauty Better?
What beauty is there better than a flower?
What can compare in glory to a rose?
Can any beauty borne from bridal bower
attempt to best the honeysuckle's clothes?
'Tis better to gaze at sunflowers than the sun,
the marigold is merrier than the moon,
the bluebell's blue is not to be outdone,
the redbud's red is redder than maroon.
Truth tells there's warmer beauty from a smile,
we witness deeper beauty in a dove,
there's lucious beauty on the Emerald Isle,
and what can match the beauty born of love?
But when it's just our viewing beauty's power,
bet there's no better beauty than a flower.
-- by Pete Voelz 2003
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Pressed Presence
God is so near, His face is pressed to mine,
His mind in mine, His heart pressed on my heart,
soul in my soul ‘til I too am divine,
made in His image, not to be apart.
This world He made, He wants me to re-make
in His own image ‘til it looks like Him,
His Kingdom come on earth for His Name’s sake,
here I’m His hands and feet, His life and limb.
His lips meet mine in bloody cup I kiss,
His body hosts my Eucharistic feast,
though I am free, Lord, to reject all this,
I’ll kindly try to pay in kind at least.
I want us, Christ, in life pressed breath to breath,
so we’ll impress each other after death.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/7/12
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
God on a Roll
When I’m depressed or bored, God’s on a roll,
if He’s not bored with me, why should I be?
God’s focused like a laser on my soul,
while I feel my ennui, He’s thrilled with me.
Maybe if I could focus on Him too,
His zillion stars, His thrilling universe,
not my small lie, but all His great works true,
to know God better does not make me worse.
God programmed me to love Him most of all,
not be wrapped up in me so I am bored,
not just be thrilled by going to the mall,
to waste God’s love is what I can’t afford.
Lord, when I bid my boring bouts be gone,
I’ll be so glad I rolled the roll You’re on.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/9/12
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
God Doubts
God waits our choice of faith, not for our doubt,
He made us to believe, not to rebel,
great Lucifer, light-bearer put to rout,
rebelled, and dragged his angels down to hell.
The doubts waste time and weaken our free will,
the devil does believe, in fact he knows
that God is there and loves, but hates Him still
and now too late regrets the way he chose.
Choose to believe and make faith come alive,
it is our will we need to exercise,
faith without works, St. James wrote, can’t survive,
we need to run the race to win the prize.
Make my will strong, O Lord, to win that race,
to will to choose Your gifts of faith and grace.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/8/12
Monday, May 7, 2012
Maker Meeting
“Are you prepared to meet your Maker yet?”
To meet my Maker, I am to prepare?
How well prepared for that can someone get?
At least the warning sees our Maker there.
I try to meet Him all the usual ways,
but there’s an incompleteness to my search,
I cannot just read Scripture all my days,
it helps to get direction from the Church.
I know my Maker made me, but then why?
To love Him first for this in gratitude,
for me and all He sent His Son to die,
I payback love and serve Him, not just brood.
I’ll be prepared when in them Him I see,
and in my Maker’s image re-make me.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/7/12
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Spiritual World
The Spiritual World has always been, and still
will be forevermore, for God is Spirit,
our physical bodies die, but our souls will
live always on, no reason, then, to fear it.
Of spiritual things already we’re aware:
“We’re ne’er so busy as thinking alone,”
love proves to us our spiritual heart is there,
our mind can make both space and time our own.
‘Twixt Spiritual World and us the veil is thin:
God answers prayer because for prayer He waits.
What souls are unaware of their own sin?
Since God is love, we love, but Satan hates.
O Lord, because You’re Spirit and love and grace,
our loving eyes of faith can see Your face.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/6/12
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Money and God
More men are moved by God than even money,
we want God's love more than the worldly things,
you catch flies with, not vinegar, but honey,
we aim more to be normal than be kings.
"Most men live lives of quiet desperation,"
so wrote Thoreau of our need to survive,
but most choose honor over condemnation,
and only steal some bread to stay alive.
We have our sins and one big one is greed,
but still most people put their faith in heaven,
we know God gives us most of what we need,
and we trust God our sins will be forgiven.
It's hard to go to heaven if we're rich,
we know, O Lord, we go without a stitch.
-- by Pete Voelz 7/09
Friday, May 4, 2012
The Bargainer
God drives a bargain with me for my soul,
despite His might, He leaves me in control,
He drives it hard because the prize is great,
no lottery compares to heaven’s gate.
God doesn’t put His finger on the scale,
He offers me the prize, His holy grail,
He’s serious about what freedom is,
so my love’s freely given just like His.
True, God demands a lot I must give up,
yet He fills more my overflowing cup,
though I must struggle to run and win the race,
He spurs me on with His amazing grace.
O what a bargain, Lord, You’ve given me,
Your joy and love for all eternity.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/4/12
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Compared to God
Compared to God, is anything so huge?
God made the universe with just a glance,
we stall by self-deceit and subterfuge
from seeing God as such a great romance.
God's good and should our whole life permeate,
why do we live with such big blinders on,
why can we not admit that God is great,
why do God's good and love bring such a yawn?
The thought of joy in God's eternity,
of having all my awful sins forgiven,
should galvanize and so empower me,
that there is nothing I would want but heaven.
O great God, You're so big and I'm so small,
I am amazed You care for me at all.
-- by Pete Voelz 8/09
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Our Power
If all the focus of my life’s on me,
it is because already from the start,
You’ve planned and forged and launched my destiny,
and chased and captured my reluctant heart.
O God, I think I run my life, but You
are so much more in charge than little I,
You throw a curve in everything I do,
You chose when I was born and when I die.
Though with Your infinite love for me You fight,
still You have freely made me free to choose,
I can’t love You unless free to do right,
or to do wrong and all our love to lose.
O Lord, with all my power I freely pray
with all Your power You help me choose Your way.
-- by Pete Voelz 5/2/12
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Our Two Cities
Augustine’s City of the World is loud,
and calls us with a thousand constant voices,
but his City of God amidst the crowd
insists in whispers we still have clear choices.
God rules His City, thus its choice is good,
the World where Satan rules is not all bad,
but keeps us far from doing what we should,
and finally leaves us here more sad than glad.
Father of Lies--makes bad things look good now,
but listened to, God’s City helps us learn
the moral rules of right and wrong and how
to exercise our duty to discern.
Though we may choose the World since, Lord, we’re free,
“our hearts are restless ‘til they rest in Thee.”*
*famous Augustine quote
(Inspired by a wonderful homily yesterday by Fr. John
Meany, O.P. and Lorasman, at his 7:15 a.m. Mass at
St. Paul’s Newman Center, IU, Bloomington, Indiana.)
-- by Pete Voelz 5/1/12
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